T͜͡H͜͡I͜͡R͜͡T͜͡Y͜͡ S͜͡E͜͡V͜͡E͜͡N͜͡

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After a few more breaths I lost consciousness and Mary dragged me to her car, put me in the trunk and and started to drive away.


Diane was taking to long so I got up and went outside the bedroom "Mommy?!" I call out for her as I started getting worried and I slip out my little state "Diane!!" I call out again and I grabbed my phone and dialed Cherry's number.


Mary drives through the streets and I start to wake up and see nothing but darkness and start to panic. I use my hands to feel where I was and could make out I was in her trunk and tried to open it somehow.


Cherry answers her phone "Hey what's-" I cut her off quickly "WHERE THE HELL DOES MARY LIVE?!" I quickly change my outfit and grab my keys, "Hold on, what's going on?" she ask confused "JUST TELL ME WHERE SHE FUCKING LIVES CHER". She tells me her address "THANK YOU" I hang up and run outside, going to my car and getting in.


Mary parks her car and I still kicked against the trunk as an attempt to open it. Mary opens the trunk and I immediately got slapped "Dont even try it bitch!" Mary yells and picks me out, closes the trunk and locks her car. I was trying to get out of her grip but nothing works. She drags me inside the house, downstairs, through the basement and pushes a closet aside which reveals another room "Get in fuck in" she say, "W-What?! No! Let me go you crazy-" I got cut off by a familiar cloth in my face and passes out again. She brings me in the room, lays me on the little bed it had and walked out, closed and locked the door before pushing the closet back in front of it so it'll look normal.


I put her address in my gps and started driving to her house, I park my car in the street and quickly get out out not even bothered to lock my car. I ran to the door, pounding on it.

Mary walked to the door and open it "What are you doing here?" she ask fake confused and it was very well played, I slap her so hard "WHERE THE HELL IS SHE YOU BITCH" I yell in her face. She holds her cheeks and decided to stay calm "What the fuck?! What are you talking about!?", "YOU KNOW WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT, DONT TRY TO PLAY DUMB YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE. WHEN I FIND OUT YOU TOOK HER IM GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU" I scream in her face. She looks at me confused "What the hell women?! What are you trying to tell me here!?", "SHUT THE FUCK UP, YOU FUCKING PIG" I scream at her before running out her house and going back to my car while I grab my phone and dial the police with my shaky hands.

Mary closes the door and sprays around air refresher to make sure nothing smells like Diane.

I put the phone to my ear with my hands still shaking "This is 911, how may I help you?" the operator ask "Hi yes my girfriend is missing and I think I know who took her" I say, "What is her name and the person you think took her?" the operator ask "H-Her name is Diane Sherman and the person I think took her name is Mary Green". "Okay ma'am Ill send officers to her house to look around" they say, "Thank you so much" they hangs up and I slump in my seat while bringing my legs to my stomach and sobbing hard.

Mommy Diane🖤Where stories live. Discover now