F͜͡O͜͡R͜͡T͜͡Y͜͡ T͜͡H͜͡R͜͡E͜͡E͜͡

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"Will you marry me?"

Tears fall down my face and I remember something "Diane I swear to god do not move!" I run out the bedroom and I grab the keys before going outside and unlocking the car.. I open the back door and grab the bag with the box inside before I take the box out and I close the door before locking the car and running back inside, she sits there confused. I run back in the bedroom and I run to her before getting on one knee in front of her and opening the box "Will you marry me?"

 I run back in the bedroom and I run to her before getting on one knee in front of her and opening the box "Will you marry me?"

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She burst out into laughter and falls down to the floor and kisses me, I kiss her back while smiling widely into the kiss. She kisses me for a little longer before breaking it "We both had the same fucking idea" she chuckles and slides the ring onto my finger, I giggle and grab her hand before sliding the ring on. "Its beautiful. I love it" she looks at it and smiles widely before kissing me again, I kiss back while cupping her face as I smile widely.

She remembers that she haves wet clothes on so she breaks the kiss and stands up "We have to change clothes baby" she walks to the closet and hands me an outfit, I grab it and put it on while smelling it and smiling softly "It smells like you". She chuckles "Well it's mine" she puts on her outfit as well.

 She chuckles "Well it's mine" she puts on her outfit as well

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Mommy Diane🖤Where stories live. Discover now