Chapter 16: Confrentation.

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WELL IT TOOK YOU GUYS LONG ENOUGH LIKE WHOAAAAAAAAA, AND THIS IS JUST ME BEING NICE AND UPDATING. ok sorry for keeping my few dedicated fans waiting so long...but here's chapter 16. please dont hate me after this chapter its another boring filler and im sorry about this but bear with me because the ending is going to surprise you all. *hint hint* oh and hugeeeee thankyou to 50+ fans & 5k+ reads wowowowow. anyways on with the story...


I couldnt believe my eyes. Why was she here. Why the fuck was she here? Goddamnit.

"Mel? W-what are you doing here?" Harry stuttered mind-blown.

"Oh shut it Harry. The question is, what is she doing here?" Melissa spat, shooting daggers at me.

I exchanged glances between the two of them before shifting my gaze to my lap, unable to look either of them in the eyes. "M-maybe i should go," i mumbled standing to my feet.

My feet padded across the floor as i walked towards the exit of the room. "Yeah, thats right bitch. Leave."

I turned around to look at the red-headed monster before me, a slient tear slipping down my face as i mouthed the words "I'm sorry" to Harry before exiting the room. And as if on cue the tears hit me like a waterfall.


"So, how are you baby?" Melissa asked as she caressed my cheek softly. "Fine," i spoke through gritted teeth swatting her hand away.

"Aw sweetheart what has that ugly little bitch done to you? Did she hurt you?" Melissa picked up one of my arms as-if she was examining it for marks or bruises.

I jerked my arm away from her, not wanting her cold clammy hands touching my skin any longer. "Why are you here Melissa?"

"I came to see my boyfriend. But it seems like he was pre-occupied with something else." She smirked at me, the anger radiating in her dark green eyes. Her cold hand left her lap as she slowly brought it up and placed it on my cheek.

"You little bastard you." And before i could say anything she smacked my cheek, her small hand leaving a tingling hand-print staining my face. My hands immediately reaching up to cup my tingling cheek. "That is for kissing her, you fucking whore."

I looked up to her, anger boiling in my blood. That was it she'd pushed to fucking far this time. I was going to explode.

"Look you fucking slut, how dare you ever put your hands on me. I dont know if you know it or not, but im Harry fucking Styles and nobody i mean NOBODY puts their hands on me. And i swear to fucking God if you ever, ever put your hands on Jenna you better bloody run."

Melissa's eyes were now filled with fear, as my grip tightened around her wrist. "H-Harry im s-sorry," she whimpered begging me for forgiveness.

"Melissa look at me. Right. Now." She turned her head up to me. I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, and took a deep breath.

"You are a sweet girl Melissa, but look i cant do this anymore. I'm sorry. You push me around too much, calling me and my friends names. Drooling over me like im a piece of meat, when i still have a heart and feelings too. I think it'd be best if you left and found someone else, because quite frankly i cant deal with your games any longer."

Tears finally brimmed over the edge of her eyes and fell down her face as she buried her head in my chest, with only the thin hospital gown to catch her tears seeping through it. "H-Harry im s-so sorry. P-please dont h-h-hate me," she managed out between bursts of tears.

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