Chapter 6: Clubbing.

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"COME ON JENNA! HURRY UP", Louis yells at me from downstairs. i look at myself in the mirror one last time, and smile. my black strapless dress hugs my body perfectly, and my red pumps go great with my blood red handbag. my hair styled, and my make-up done to perfection.

i close the door to my room, and stride down the stairs to met by Harry and Louis. "how do i look boys?" "dammmnn, little sis, who you tryin' to impress?" i scoff and roll my eyes at Louis' comment. my eyes glance towards Harry.

he's smiling, which is unusually weird. as his eyes meet mine, he bites his bottom lip. what the hell was going on right now? Louis snaps his fingers in front of my face, "c'mon lets gooo you guys!" i sigh at my pestilence of a brother, and walk out to the car.

we pull up in front of Funky Buddha Club around 9pm. as we walk inside everyone's already here. Liam, Zayn, Niall, and Chelsea are all sitting at the bar. i plop down next to Liam, and order a coke. im not planning on getting drunk tonight, my hangover has just went away. like, literally.

i sip on my coke silently, as everyone chats away. Liam turns to me, and smiles. i  could tell it was fake. he turns away and continues talking to Niall. how awkward? Harry sits down beside me, and orders a beer. "Hey Jenna." why was he talking to me?

"hi St- Harry", i correct myself. he grabs his beer from the counter and takes a swig before turning around in his chair and observing the surroundings. "ah shit, you've got to be kidding me", he mumbles, turning to face me. i swallow the drink in my mouth, "whats wrong?"

"sh-she's here.." he trails off. "who?" "Melissa." ooh, his ex. why would that even matter though? i crinkle my eyebrows in confusion. he looks at me, "dont you remember?" i am beyond confused, what the hell was he babbling on about? i dont give a shit who his ex girlfriend is!

"no? why would i?" "your're supposed to be my pretend girlfriend remember?" and then it hits me, ah fuck. i did promise. but i thought it was only for one night, not forever. oh my god, what have i gotten myself into?!

"oh, yeah sorry", i stutter out. "oh my God, here she comes. Jenna, sit on my lap." i give him one of those, 'the fucccck?' looks. he wraps his hands around my waist and literally pulls me on top of him. him, and his stubborn self. "Make-out with me, before she gets here." "Hell no Styles."

"Jenna, please!" i groan, "fine." he turns to face me, looks me in the eyes. he wraps his arms around me, pulling me closer. i emtangle one of my hands, in his curly locks, and rest one in the nape of his neck. he inches closer and closer before i feel his hot breath on my lips.

he closes the gap between us, and tingles run down my spine instantaneously. our lips move in sync, and believe it or not, this feels so right. our lips meld together perfectly, and the kiss inst filled with desperation, only passion.

why did this feel so right? my thought got interrupted as He flicked his tongue over my bottom lip, and i gained him access. he pulled me even closer than i was before and deepend the kiss. was it me, or was Harry really into this kiss right now.

i cant breathe, i need air. i pull away from him, to take a breath, and Melissa stands next to us. Harrys eyes shoot up to her, "oh, Hey Melissa. how long have you been here?" he kisses my temple, before smiling at me as i grab my coke from the counter and take a sip into my saliva filled mouth.

"long enough!" she scoffs before prancing away. Harry instantly pushes me off his lap, and hugs me. "oh my God! Jenna thankyou so much! i knew it would work." i nod, "sure whatever." someone comes behind me and pokes my sides, making me jump.

i turn around to face, the one and only mocha haired God, Liam James Payne. "Liam you bastard!" i say, slapping his arm playfully. he grabs my hand, intertwining our fingers together, "lets go dance babe." i place my coke on the bar counter, and before turning to go with Liam look back at Harry. his eyes are filled with anger, and sadness.

what the hell? was he angry at me for going to dance with Liam? he doesnt like me. and i cant stand him, well thats a lie. he's actually pretty cool, i think? wait! what am i saying, i dont like Harry. and he doesnt like me, end. of. story.

i willingly stride onto the dance floor with Liam, and a slow song comes on. he places his hands gently on my waist, and i let my hands form around his neck. "you look really beautiful tonight Jenna." i feel my cheeks get hotter than Hell, itself.

i smile, "thanks Liam. you dont look to shabby yourself." he smirks. is he really that cocky? "so anyways Jenna, im so sorry about last night. and i've been thinking, maybe i could come over to your place sometime so we can have a proper date?"

hello cloud 9, nice to finally meet you. "sure Liam, that'd be brilliant." he gives me a soft smile. he turns his head to the right, looking at, wait is he checking out LOUIS? Liam bit his lip and studied my brother up and down. was Liam using me to get closer to Louis?

no, Li wouldnt do that! im just imagining things. i shake the thought out of my head. plus, Liam isnt gay, is he? i inch slightly closer to him, and his gaze comes back to meet mine. he smiles cheekily as his hands move to my bum and he gives it a nice squeeze then, winks at me.

cheeky lad! the song ends, and a fast one comes on. me and Liam let go of one another and i study the crowd. everyone is grinding on others. i imagine half of the men in this place have nicely forming bulges in their pants right now. i turn back around to where Liam was just standing, to find him gone.

what the fuck? he'd just left me in the middle of the dancefloor!? "Hey." i hear someone from behind me say. i turn around to face Melissa. why was she here? "hi." "where's Harry?" why'd she wanna know where Harry was? he obviously didnt wanna be with her! "i was just looking for him." "oh. well look kid. i dont give a fuck, who you are and IF you and Harry are actually dating, but he is MINE."

she pauses. i give her that, 'who the hell do you think you are' look, and she continues. "yeah MINE! i want him back. he doesnt date ugly bitches like you. you need to stay away from him little girl, im warning you. STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY HARRY."

she sends me an evil smile, and walks away. i turn around, a puzzled look on my face, and bump into, oh speak of the devil. "oh hi Harry." "hey, you ready to head out? im not feeling so well." i nod and latch on to Harry's hand as he pulls me towards the door. i dont know why i did, but i had the sudden urge to be alone with Harry now.

i wanted to tell him about what Melissa had said. maybe, he'd call it all off and tell her the truth. i am already sick of this, i've been threatened. who does this woman think she is? does she know who the bloody hell she is talking to? apparently not, because my name is Jenna Tomlinson, and i will jack a bitch up.


i know i know, it sucks absolutely badly. im so sorry its horrid. i have no writing skills whatsoever. forgive me. what will happen with Harry and Melissa? why did Liam leave Jenna on the dance floor alone, and why was he checking Louis out? stay tuned to find out. ooh, that sounded like a movie trailer. lolol. ok. well bye babies.

-Mason (: xx

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