Chapter 13: Closure.

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I squeeze my eyes shut. My arms are wrapped around something, or rather.. Someone.

I squeeze the figure I hold on to. And bury my head into the someone's neck. That cologne.

It's so familiar. I cuddle closer to the person, taking a wiff of the neck.

No. It. Couldn't. Be.

I open my eyes and sit up, staring down into sparkling emerald orbs.


Why was he sleeping with me? And not Melissa...

Oh. Yeah.

The memories of last night hit me like a brick.

Louis and Liam, at it good.


Harry finding me.

Harry kissing me.

Me kissing back.

Him cleaning my cuts so tenderly.

Making him stay with me...

"Jenna?" Harry grabs my arm, bringing me out of my trance. "You were picking at your bandages, again. I told you to stop that."

I look at the bandage that covers my wrist, remembering the relief I felt when I cut last night.

Harry sits up beside me, pulling me into a hug.

He rubs soothing circles on my back, in an attempt to make me forget.

He lets go, just as the first tear falls.

"Don't cry. Please." Harry begs, as he wipes the tear trailing down my cheek.

"Harry, why did Liam do that to m-me?"

"I don't know. But what I do know, is that you have to talk to him."

I shake my head vigorously. "No."

Harry places a finger under my chin, pushing it upwards so his eyes bore into mine like daggers.

"Don't look at me like that Harry. Why should i talk to either of them?"

"One: Louis is your brother! You live with him. Two: they probably want to explain things to you. Three: I want answers, just as bad as you."

I sigh. Maybe I should. I want answers. I nod my head in approval, slowly.

This should be great.


"It'll be fine Jenna. Promise." Harry says reassuringly as we walk to my front door, his arm around my waist protectively.

I nod, and turn to give him a hug just as we reach the door.

He buries his head in the crook of my neck, and squeezes me tightly in his arms.

I grip his shirt for dear life, praying he won't make me face them.

He pulls away, "come on. Lets go." He says putting his hand in mine and leading me to the door, sparks shooting throughout my body.

He still has that effect on me. But the thing is, I kind of.. Liked it?

I grabbed the door-knob glancing at Harry before twisting it. He nodded and nudged my arm. "Let's get this over with."

I twisted the handle and walked in. There they were, cuddling on the couch. Shirtless.

Well isn't this just great.

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