Chapter 8: The Second Time.

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-So since we don't have wifi anymore, in order to type and stuff I have to do it all on my iPod so idk how long these chapters will even be but I'll try and make them as long as possible guys. Comment, Vote, & Fan? -Mason. x


"HARREH!" course Louis just had to ruin our perfect moment. "in here Lou." I was curled up with Harry on the sofa, snuggling closer into him. He looks down at me and smiles before kissing my forehead.

"EWWWWW. What did you do to my sister Haz?!" Harry blushes bright red, "ah Shutup Boobear." I curl up even more into his side, if that's even possible and close my eyes. "Oh yeah Lou, me and Jenna have a date tonight." my eyes flutter open, just in time to see his mouth hit the ground.

He quickly composes himself, "seriously Hazza what have you done with my sister?" i roll my eyes at my ignorant brother and entwine my fingers with Harry's. "Hey Lou, can I talk to you?", Harry asks him nicely.

Louis nods and Harry wiggles out of my grasp and my face grows sad. I didn't want him to leave, I feel so empty inside now. Erg. My stupid brother always ruining the freaking moment. I swear I hate him sometimes!

I go up to Harry's room and grab my things from last night before heading over to my house. It's almost 2:30 I need to get ready for this date. Shower time. I turn the water on, showers always help me clear my head.

I hop in and let the warm water droplets engulf my body, feeling instantly warm. Harry. Harry Styles. I've always despised this guy! Why am I all of the sudden falling for his charm?

Then it hits me, Liam! Am I all of a sudden falling for Harry so I can make Liam jealous? What am I talking about? Liam's deep mocha eyes, every-time I look into them, I melt like a Popsicle. But Harry's emerald orbs mesmerize me.

Liam's body, his tanned toned body, the way it glistens.. Oh my God. But Harry's fucking abs, like deep ridges of pleasure. It's like you just want to lick them. CHRIST WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME!?

I wash my body hastily, and drape a towel around my slender frame. I stride to my closet, in hope of finding a flawless outfit, with ease. I slip on my underwear and bra, and within matter of minutes my room is covered with clothes. I dial Chelsea's number.

"CHELSITH. GET OVER HERE NOW. WE HAVE A CODE BLUE. I REPEAT CODE BLUE!" I scream into my phone. "on my way boo!" I plop down on my bed impatiently and wait for Chelsea. There's a knock on my door. Ahh great. I throw on a t-shirt and open the door cautiously unaware of what awaited me.

And there stood, unmistakeable brown curls and fucking perfect deep dimples, smiling like no tomorrow. "Hey Babe!" "Hey Harry", I reply motioning for him to enter my room. My room, oh shit. The clothes, kill me now. "Excuse my mess..." "it's fine" he remarks placing his hand on my inner thigh and rubbing it slowly.

The hairs on the back of my neck stand up straight as the boy strokes my leg, making my heart beat abnormally fast. "oh yeah! Almost forgot, made dinner reservations at 6. So I'll pick you up around 5-ish, yeah?" "sounds like a plan Styles." I curl up into his lap and rest my head in the crook of his neck, gently. His hand rubbing soothing circles on my hips.

And then, Chelsea barges in. Course! Another interruption. WHY ME? "well I'll let you get ready babe. See you at 5", Harry says before pecking my lips and leaving. "your going on a date with HARRY? But you hate him!" "that was the past Chels. Now just help me get ready! I have to look perfect."


I look at myself in the mirror once more before walking downstairs to meet Harry. Chelsea's navy blue dress hugging me in all the right places, my makeup complementing me in every way, my hair styled perfectly. I'm just praying that Harry likes what he sees. I mean it's our first date, I gotta impress the lad! "Jenna you look, uh- wow just wow. You look b-beaut-tful." "not to bad yourself Styles." "ready t' go?" I nod. He places his hand in the small of my back and guides me towards the door. "USE PROTECTION!" Louis yells, before Harry slams the door behind us. I can't help but laugh at my brother's comment, Harry too.

He opens the car door for me, and I get in gracefully. Closing the door behind me and buckling my seatbelt. Harry gets in the drivers seat and switches the car on. Reaching over, he places his hand, once again, on my inner thigh giving me a cheeky firm before pulling out of the driveway.

We pull up at the restaurant and walk to the door hand in hand. "reservation for Styles?" the lady checks her clipboard, "ah right this way, sir." the lady sits us at our table and gives us our menu's, "my name is Deena. I'll be your server today. What can I get you to drink?" "I'll have a water." "I'll have a coke," Harry's deep voice rumbles off to Deena. She nods and takes off to the kitchen.

"order anything you'd like Jenna. I'll be paying tonight." I smile at the cheeky lad, And glance at the menu. HOLY SHIT. A piece of steak, is £20. "Harry this food is way to much money!" "oh hush babe. We've gotten some money from the past few gig's, I got this!" he winks at me. I roll my eyes and sigh. Let me find the cheapest thing on this menu.

Deena the waitress brings our drinks, and asks for our orders. "I'll have the garden salad with Italian dressing, please" I state. "and for you sir?", she and glancing at Harry. "I'll have the Fillet Minion medallions, with baked potato, please and thank-you." she takes our menu's and vanishes once again.

I sip my water silently, a silence filling the air. Harry calmly asking me questions while we wait for our food arrive. When it finally does, we eat it silently occasionally looking up at one another and smiling. We finish our food, and he asks me if I want dessert. I deny politely. Deena brings us our check and Harry takes out a wad of cash leaving a rather generous tip on the table, before reaching out for my hand and escorting me to the door.

We get into his car and start to drive away. "sorry it was a lame date Jenna." "Harry, don't be absurd! It was amazing." just like you, I thought. He smiles at me, and places his hand back in the place on my inner thigh. We pull up minutes later at his house. "mum is out with her boyfriend, you can come in if you want." "sure Har. Sounds good!" I step out of his car and proceed to the door, right behind him. He closes the door behind us and pulls me up to his room.

I glance at the clock, 8:40. Harry sits down on his bed and starts unbuttoning his shirt. "you want something to change into Jenna?" "yeah, thanks." he hands me a shirt and i reluctantly turn around and slip my dress off. I feel his eyes burning into my back. I can tell he's staring at me. I slip the shirt over me and slide into his bed.

He strips down to his boxers, before laying down beside me and starting to flip thought the channels. "hey Harry, thanks for tonight. I really had a good time." an amazing time. Harry was perfect. "anything for you Jenna." I smile at the boy. Yep, I was definitely falling for this curly haired dream. He clicks on the movie "Love Actually." I loveeeee this movie!

I scoot over, sliding into his arms. The warmth of his body engulfing me. I feel the exhaustion taking over as my eyelids start to droop. I snuggle into Harry's chest, and his lips brush my forehead. I look up to face him, immediately wanting more. He pecks my lips lightly, but let's go, not allowing me to deepen the kiss. Mentally slapping myself.

"Jenna, it's okay, you can go to sleep." I nod into his chest. He means down and pecks my lips once more, "Goodnight Beautiful." "goodnight Harry." he rests his head on the pillow and somehow our legs become entangled. Sleep overwhelms me and i let it take control.

And I fall asleep in Harry's arms, for the second time.

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