Chapter 9: How Could You?

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-What's up you sexy nuggets. So here's the next Lil chappie. So I really have writers block right now. And we still have no wifi. So I'm writing this, and I'll publish sometime. Sorry for the delay. But um yup, drama starts here! I think. Anyways we've gotten flour sacks for school and we have to be parents for a week. Mine's name is Harry Edward Styles Jr. :D. Im listening to "Some Nights" by fun, atm. I love this song, ok? Anyways enjoy? Vote, Comment, Fan. Pls. -Mase. x


"Jenna?" I groan. "Jenna, wake up..." Harry's Chershire accent fills the air. "hmmmm?" his arms snake around my waist as he pulls me closer. "WAKE UP!" I shoot up. "fuck you Harry", I spit before slapping his chest playfully. He smirks. "morning' babeeeee."

"don't you mornin' babe me you ass." I get out of the bed, and walk to the bathroom closing the door behind me. Not even 2 seconds later Harry barges in the bathroom, luckily I wasn't peeing. "what do you want for breakfast you ninny?" wow, did he just call me a ninny? That's original. "eh I dunno." he huffs and walks out of the bathroom. Success. I need a shower.

I cut the water on, and let it warm up before placing my naked body under the heavy flow of water. I grab Harry's shampoo bottle and pour a bit into my hand before scrubbing my scalp. It smell's like apples. I like apples. I rinse the shampoo from my head and finish washing before stepping out of the steamy shower. Mirrors fogged, a grab a towel and drape it around myself, and enter Harry's room.

To my surprise, clothes are waiting for me on his bed. A note attached; "Jenna, here are some clothes that Lou brought over. -H." I shake my head and drop the towel, slipping the cool clothes onto my body. I hang the wet towel on the door handle and run a brush through my wet hair. No make-up, damn. Well, this sucks. I grab all of my clothes and stuff from last night and put them into the bag Lou got me. I take the bag in my arms and walk out of Harry's bedroom. I don't hear his parents, they're probably at Sunday Morining Church Service. I shrug and continue down the staircase.

I don't see Harry in the living room, so I sit my bag on the couch and walk towards the kitchen. "Harry?" no reply. I enter the kitchen, and what I see shocks me. Harry, making out with MELISSA!? I gasp. Harry looks over at me, just as the first tear falls from my eye. I grab my bag and run out the door. "JENNA. WAIT PLEASE! JENNA!" I run into my front door slam it closed and slide down the back of it, the tears never stopping. I can't believe him!

"Jenna? OH MY GOD JENS, WHAT'S WRONG?" Louis runs over to me, gathering my weeping body into his arms. "h-h-har-Harry. W-wit-th m-Mel-Melissa." "that asshole. Jenna I'm so sorry. Shh, it's ok. Lou's got you. I got you Jenna. Its alright", Louis said as he caressed my cheek. "b-b-b-but h-h-Harry--" my sentence was interrupted by fierce knocking on our door, "Jenna! Let me in! I'm so sorry! JUST LET ME EXPLAIN. Jenna...," Harry yelled from the other side. I can hear the pain in his voice, but for all I care he can go die at this point. "GO AWAY! I HATE YOU HARRY. WHY DONT YOU JUST GO FUCK MELISSA", I yell at him.

Louis pats my back, and I bury my head deeper into his chest. He picks me up, me wrapping my legs around his waist and snaking my arms around his neck. Louis takes me upstairs to his room, and sits me on his bed. "Jenna!? Oh my god whats wrong with her Louis?" Liam!? What is Liam doing here..? "Harry", Louis replies. "should've known", Liam says before taking me into his own arms. His arms held me close, and I buried my face into the crook of his neck, just as another tear fell.

"Jenna, don't cry. He isn't worth it.." Liam said before wiping the tear off of my tear-stained cheeks. I nod into his warm skin, and close my eyes. "I'm gonna go have a little talk with Harry. Liam stay here with Jenna" Louis says before leaving. Liam lays me down beside him in the bed, and pulls the covers over top of us and curling up beside me. I smile at him. "Jenna?" "yeah Liam?" "Harry doesn't deserve a girl like you, as beautiful and as sweet as you. I wish you'd just see that." my mouth formed the shape of an 'O', in shock of what Liam had just said. Did Liam really mean what he just said? "yes I really meant what I just said." shit, was I just talking out loud? Liam chuckled, "yeah you were just talking out loud." I laugh, man I really need to stop doing this. "yeah you do."

I playfully slap Liam on the chest, and before I know it, our lips brush up against one another. His eyes flutter closed, and mine follow suit. Then suddenly his lips came crashing down on mine, making tingles course throughout my body. Our lips move in perfect sync, as I just let my body take over. kissing Liam just felt so good. His teeth sunk deep into my bottom lip, and I suppressed a deep moan in the back of my throat as he jerked away sharply. His arms went to my hips as he snatched me closer. My hands made their way up to Liam's face and cupped it ever so gently. His hand in the nape of my neck, pushed us closer deepening the already heated kiss.

I kept kissing him and kissing him for what seemed like eternity. Until, he finally let go of my lips, making me grow sad. A frown formed on my face, as he wiped the saliva off of his mouth and gave me a peck on the forehead. I smiled as his fiery lips touched my cool skin. "wow", was all I could say. Liam chuckled at my response. He brushed his hair out of his face, and I stared into his mocha eyes. Just then the door opened and Louis entered. "Jenna, Harry wants to talk to you. Wait what happened here?" "nothing at all, me and Jenna were just talking." Lou nodded at Liam's reply, as I slipped out of the bed, I wonder what he wants to talk about. But quite frankly I didn't care. I didn't wanna put up with anymore of this bullshit.

I walked out of Louis' room and headed downstairs, to see Harry standing in in the living room waiting for me. "Jenna! Jenna, I'm so so sorry!" he said before engulfing me into a hug. "I didn't know who it was, and I answered the door. She came barging in and then she just started kissing me.." I pushed Harry off of me, "but you kissed her back." "I know Jenna. I know and I'm so sorry", he replied as a tear fell from his eye. "why'd you do it? Why'd you kiss her back Harry?" "I dunno. It just, was like old times I guess. I guess it was my natural reaction to kiss her back? Please don't hate me Jenna. I'm so sorry." I look at the curly haired boy, in pure disgust. I see the pain in his eyes, and I just want to hug him. To forgive him here and now. But I can't, I won't. Not after what he's put me through. If he wants me back, he'll have to win me back.

"ok Harry", is all I reply. He looks at me as though he is about to break down, here and now. Stay strong Jenna. "am I forgiven?" I shrug, "don't know. I'll think about it", I say before walking away. I hear footsteps, and then our front door slams as he leaves our flat. I stride back up to Louis' room and open the door.

"how'd it go?" Louis asks, trying to sound concerned. Liam looks up at me and I manage to smile, "I told him that I didn't forgive him, and he ran away crying." Liam gasps, "Jenna that was mean!" I shrug, "well he's got to prove himself if he wants me back." Louis sniffs the air as if he's fake crying, " I trained you so well baby sister." he pulls me into a hug. We sit on Lou's bed, me in-between the boys, and Louis pop's in a boxed set of 'friends'. We sit and watch episode upon episode for an hour and a half. Then, Louis' phone rings.

He pauses the movie, and reaches for his phone, answering it slowly. "hello? Yeah this is Louis." his eyes grow wide, and the phone falls out of his hands. "oh my god.." he says. "LOU! What's wrong?" he pauses, and a tear slips down his cheek, "h-h-Harry. He's in the-the hospital.."

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