Chapter 15: Some Nights.

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Well hellloooo. Just wanted to apologize for keeping you waiting so long for a update. Been very emotional lately. So MSG, whoa. And Haylor stuff, is making me crazy unstable. :( anyways thanks for meeting the goal again last update, raising it a bit this time. 10 votes & 7 comments or no updates for you ;) this chapter is mainly a filler, I'm trying to stretch the story out. Love you. -Masee .x


"Jenna. Wake up." I squeeze my eyes together, not wanting to open them.

As I stir around in my sleep, I hear muffled voices. I feel a warm hand slip into mine slowly.

My eyes flutter open, and my eyes meet familiar crystal blue ones. "Niall.." I mutter, my voice cracking, "where am I?"

"The hospital," he says giving me a reassuring smile. A knock on the door breaks the silence in the room.

"Tomlinson, Jenna?" An older looking man, maybe mid-40's, enters the room, clipboard in hand. I nod, my tongue feeling as dry as sandpaper.

Niall drops my hand to reach over to a table to hand me a cool glass of water. I take a sip of it, letting the cold liquid soothe my dry mouth.

"How are you feeling?" The doctor asks, as he makes his way towards my bed.

I set the glass down, and Niall relaxes in the chair beside me. "I'm okay. I think."

He nods at me, before checking my vital signs. He scribbles things down on his papers, then turns to me again.

"Well everything is looking better," he says, and I nod. "Will you please tell me what the last thing you remember is?"

A puzzled expression blankets my face, as I try and rack my brain for an answer. A tear slips down my face as I remember Harry.

"Harry. Is Harry okay? Oh my god Niall, is Harry okay? Please tell me Harry's okay!" I blurt out before I even know what I've said.

"Ms. Tomlinson please calm down. Everything is okay. So the last thing you remember is something about Harry? What was the exact thing you remember?"

"Well I-uh remember bringing Harry here. And um, then I remember hugging him, and the doctor coming in. I just can't seem to remember what he said." I look down at my lap, ashamed of myself, and pick at my thumbs.

"Well good. I'm sure you want to know the news about Harry?" I nod vigorously.

"Well Niall if you want to tell her?" Niall sighs reluctantly and nods. "I'll be going then. Feel better Ms. Tomlinson."

He turns on his heel and exits the room quickly. My eyes shoot to Niall. "What are you waiting for Niall. Tell me, please."

He groans and takes a seat on the edge of my bed, taking his hand into mine.

"Vas Happenin'?!" Zayn enters the room, and I smile up at him. "Hey Zee."

"So Niall, go on." I plead, eager to know the state of my curly haired friend.

"When the doctor came in, he um- he um- told Harry t-that, Zayn why don't you tell her?" Niall stutters out.

Zayn gives Niall the evil eye, before turning to face me.

"Jenna," he begins, "Harry has leukemia."

My heart shatters, and my eyes sting with tears. The tears stream down my cheeks uncontrollably. "Lu-Lukem-mia?"

Zayn gives me a painful nod. I lie back in the bed and bring my knees up to my chest, hugging them tightly. The sobs shake my slender frame.

Niall's hand still in mine, he rubs my hand with the pad of his thumb in attempt to calm me. Zayn rubbing my back, reassuring me that everything will be okay.

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