Chapter 4: Mistakes?

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well, nobody's voting or commenting anymore. so whatever, im probably not gonna write anymore. i dont even have a plan for this chapter yet, so its gonna be made up as i go along. vote, comment, etc. -Mason x


We entered Niall's bedroom, he let go of my hand and slid his shirt over his head and tossed it on the floor. his body, glistened. he ran a hand through his chocolate hair, as his golden eyes met mine. he slowly begins to approach me.

he snakes his hands around my waist and yanks me so close that our every part of our body's are touching. he's so tall and towering over me, his bulge is touching my lower stomach. his hands grip my waist as he pulls me in for a kiss. my hands make their way up to his neck, and i run my hands through his chocolate mane.

he flicks my bottom lip, and i gain him access to explore every crook of my mouth. he backs me up into the bed, and lays me down. he sits on top of me straddling my chest. he slips his hands under my shirt and pulls it off in one swift movement.

he smiles warmly, his golden orbs studying my body. he leans in to work on my neck. he kisses my jawline, before trialing my collarbone until he finds my sweet spot. he locates it, and starts sucking on it, making me moan in pleasure. he trails down my chest leaving small love bites along the way until he gets to my pants.

he looks up at me, smirking, asking for my permission. i decide to tease the lad, and unbutton the button myself. i trace my waistline with my finger, and run my hands over his perfectly sculpted abs, and trace his v-line. i look into his eyes, all i see is lust.

for a second, im disappointed i couldn't see love in his eyes. i get over the fact and let him slide my pants off. i roll over on top of him and slip his pants off very slowly, making him moan. "My God Jenna, pleaseeee." i wink at him.

i kiss his one good hard time. i draw patterns on his chest, before once again tracing his v-line. as i come to the waistband of his TommyHilfiger boxers, i trace it with my index finger. he groans, "JENNA. YOU FUCKING TEASE." i smirk at him.

the door flings open, "tha Fuck? LIAM PAYNE what the fuck are you doing?". "Harry, what does it look like you faggot?", Liam barks back. "my God Liam your drunk as hell." i sit in the corner of the bed in utter disbelief, Liam was drunk? how could i be so stupid?

Harry approaches the bed, and throws Liam his clothes. he quickly dresses and walks out of the room, not even glancing in my direction. Harry sits down beside me, and looks at me in utter shock.

"Jenna, what the actual fuck were you doing?" i bring my legs up to my chest and hug them close. "why are you in here protecting me?" "Jenna, he was drunk. he would've regretted everything, and made you feel like shit." a tear leaks my eye, and Harry scoots closer to me.

he gathers me up into his arms. why was he being so nice to me? and why did i feel all tingly again? i hadn't felt these tingles when Liam touched me this way, why did it happen with, of all people, my worst enemy Harry? and why was i letting Harry hold me right now?

i didn't even care, i buried my head into his chest and began to cry. he brushed the hair out of my face, and began to rub soothing circles on my back. "its okay Jenna. he's a tool when he's drunk. why don't you just go to sleep yeah?"

i nodded into his chest, and he layed me down in Niall's bed and covered me up. he slipped his shirt and boxers off before climbing into the bed right beside me.

i don't know why, but something felt so right as i layed my head onto his chest, and wrapped his arms around me protectively. i snuggled up against him, and let the warmth of his body engulf me. he kissed my head, and i felt tingles from head to toe.

why would Harry have this much of an affect on me? "thanks Harry." it was weird, calling him Harry, something i wasn't used to saying. "your welcome Jenna. now go to sleep." "goodnight Harry." "goodnight Jenna." i managed a smile, before letting sleep take over.


i woke up, to loud noises coming from downstairs. tha fuck? i open my eyes, and see im laying with someone. oh shit. what did i do last night? i slowly sit up. his eyes shoot open, as he feels my movement. "mornin' Jenna", he smiles. "Harry what the fuck are you doing in this bed with me? where the hell are we?"

"calm down babe. we're at Niall's." why the fuck was he calling me babe? "uh, and what are you doing in this bed with me, half naked?" the door opens, and Louis enters.

"aw the lovebirds are awake! Niall and I made breakfast so get yo asses outta bed and lets eaaaaat!" i scoff, get out of the bed, walk over to Niall'd closet and grab a pair of his sweats. i hope he doesn't mind. i put on my tank top from last night, throw my hair up and stride down the stairs.

"the princess is awake!" "ah shut-up Zaynie", Chelsea replies. Chelsea was here? why was she still here, and why did Chelsea and Zayn just kiss? how hammered was i last night? "where's Harry?", Chelsea questions. "like i know", i spit. "well, excuse me. last time i checked you two were all cuddled up in bed last night." i roll my eyes at her.

i turn around, and storm back up the stairs to find Harry. i needed answers now. why was i in bed with Harry this morning? why was everyone happy for us? why was everyone here but Liam? and most of all, did Harry and i, make a mistake last night?

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