Chapter 10: Waking Up.

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I sat there, as small snores escaped his mouth, filling the uncomfortable air. I haven't left his side since he's been here. A week, 6 hours, 42 minutes, and 10 seconds. I haven't showered, haven't eaten, haven't moved from this spot since the accident. Mine and Harry's fingers intertwined, his lifeless hand unaware of my presence.

I gave his hand a firm squeeze, just praying, hoping, that he'd wake up. So I could see those beautiful green eyes, that cheeky smile, and those deep deep dimples. It was my fault, all my fault. Why'd I have to yell at Harry, and tell him to go away? Why am I so stupid? I ask myself these questions everyday. Every. Single. Damn. Day.

How could I have known he was going to go home and cut himself? How was I supposed to know that his mom would find I'm in the bathroom, unconscious and bleeding to death? HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW? A billion thoughts ran through my mind, same as everyday, as the first tear fell. Next thing I knew, my eyes were a waterfall, spilling every ounce of water my body encased. This happened every day, the same process over, and over, and over.

My sobs would shake the room, until Louis would rush in from the hallway and scoop me into his arms, and try to comfort me. My hand would be pulled out of Harry's lifeless one, which would make me sob harder, and Louis would rock me until my sobs ceased, and I fell asleep. Then, I'd wake up, in the chair next to Harry's lifeless, pale, body still asleep in the hospital bed.

"Harry, please. Wake up for me." I grasped his hand in mine, "p-pl-please."

A muffled groan filled the room. My eyes shot up to Harry's face. He crinkled his nose as his eyes slowly fluttered open, revealing those bright green orbs that I'd so deeply missed.

He groaned again, this time shifting in the bed a bit and looking up to my smiling face. "morning sleeping beauty" I said sweetly, trying not to startle him. He cleared his throat, "wh-where am I?" I looked at him confused-like, as he glanced around the bare room.

His eyes landed on our joined hands, and he looked into my eyes as a smile spread across his face. "hey Jenna." "hey Harry." he squeezed my hand firmly, and I smiled. The heart monitor beside his bed, started speeding up as his smile grew wider and wider. Both mine and his faces, growing a deep shade of crimson.

A nurse bursts through the door, immediately checking Harry's vitals, pushing me out of the way. "glad to see you're finally Mr. Styles", she stated rather warmly. I huffed and slouched in the chair, and the lady began talking to him, making his attention shift from mine to hers. Damn her. I had finally seen Harry after a long, long, week and now I couldn't even have a moment alone with him. UGH.

"Everything is looking really good Harry, your family and friends are welcome to come in anytime", the nurse said before smiling and walking out of the door. Harry's eyes immediately met my gaze, and he opened his mouth to say something, just as the door opened and everyone barged in. Louis, Liam, Niall, And Zayn all crowded around Harry's bed. They all took turns hugging him, and saying how much they missed him, before sitting in the chairs along the wall.

Everyone's eyes fell on me. "oh shit. We interrupted a moment didnt we?", Niall asked. I blushed, and turned towards the window not wanting Harry to see it. A knock came at the door, and the door slid open slowly revealing, MELISSA!? My hands covered the gasp that escaped my mouth, as she approached Harry's bed.

"Harry, baby how you feeling?" Harry's face lit up like a Christmas tree, "better now that you're here." Melissa giggled. I think I'm gonna be sick. Melissa leaned forward, and kissed Harry's cheek. A tear escaped the corner of my eye, and I wiped it away quickly hoping nobody saw. Harry grabbed her hand into his, and pulled her onto his lap.

I can't take it any longer. I stood up, "I gotta go." and with that I walked out of the door, slamming it behind me. I ran as fast as I could to the elevator, the tears falling faster than a waterfall. I reached the elevator and pressed the call button, just as I heard Louis yelling my name. "Jenna! JENNA WAIT."

The elevator pinged signaling its arrival, and I hopped in pressing the button for the lobby. The doors banged shut, just as louis reached them. As the huge metal doors slid open, I ran. Ran out through the front door of the hospital, and into the busy streets of London.

I didn't know where I was going, frankly I just didn't care. I didn't think, I just let my feet carry me wherever they wanted. I ran for what seemed like miles, until I finally stopped, at an old park. I had ran all the way across town, about 3 miles, to Fisher Park. I plopped down on the swings, and for the first time wiped the tears off of my face. My phone buzzed in my pocket. I slowly grabbed it out, and pressed the unlock button, seeing that I had 12 new messages, and 9 missed calls. I sighed, unlocking the phone with the 4 digit numbered pass code.

I had 4 missed calls from Louis, 2 from Liam, and 3 from Chelsea. 5 text messages from Lou, 3 from Chelsea, 2 from Liam, 1 from Niall, and 1 from Harry. Harry texted me? Why? I fingers hovered over the message before clicking on it lightly.

'Jenna? Where are you? We need to talk. -H.x'

"Jenna! JENNA IS THAT YOU?" I pull my hood over my head and slip my phone back into my pocket, standing up, ready to run. "Jenna. Wait." the voice sounds closer. I take off, running away from the voice, when suddenly I'm tackled to the ground. "the fuck is your problem!?", I yell to the person who lays on top of me.

The guy immediately rolls me over, so I can face him. My eyes meet his mocha brown ones. Liam, my hero. "Jenna, why'd you run away?" I begin crying again, "I-I. Don't know." his thumb gently wipes the tears from my cheek, as he begins to caress my jawline. "your still beautiful, even when you're crying." I smile. Only Liam would be the one to make me smile at a time like this. "thanks li." he nods, getting off of me an helping me up.

He grabs my hand into his, and pulls me into a bone-crushing hug. "don't run away from us like that. You had me scared to death." I nod into his chest, showing I understand. He pulls away from me and looks me right in the eyes. Before I know it, his lips come crashing down on mine, his arms trailing to my waist. Here we go again.


Yeah I know this chapter was mainly a filler, building up to the next chapter which is gonna be dramatic. Oops spoiler alert. I just wanna take the time to thank all of you for reading my horrible story. Even you silent readers, WHO NEED TO START TALKING PLEASE. Oh yeah and I'm gonna be writing a bromance story, soon. So leave me hints on which you'd want. (Zouis, Larry, Niam, Ziall, Narry, etc.) love you.

-Mason. x

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