Chapter 14: Football and Shockers.

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I woke up the next morning to the smell of a fry up, sizzling on the stove.

I rolled over on my bed, and slipped out of the covers letting my feet hit the cold floor. Shivers ran throughout my body.

I draped a blanket around my shoulders and stepped out of my room into the hallway, and made my way down the stairs into the kitchen.

Louis hovered over the stove, spatula in hand as Liam stood behind him, arms wrapped around his waist. How cute were they?

"Smells great Lou," I said, sitting down on one of the stools surrounding the counter.

Both Liam and Louis' heads snapped in my direction and Liam immediately dropped his hands from around Louis.

I chuckled at their reactions. "You guys don't have to hide, it's ok." Liam let out a sigh of relief and Louis looked up at me giving me a reassuring smile.

"Sleep good Jenna?," Louis asked sweetly. I smiled at my older brother, and nodded sheepishly.

He smiled at me and plopped a fry up on my plate for switching off the stove and sitting down bedside me.

"D'you mind if the lads come over today for a bit and watch the game?" I shook my head, "Nope. Sounds good Lou."

Liam still hasn't spoken a word to me. This was getting awkward.

I finished my fry up, which was delicious by the way, and despite the thickening tension in the room, I headed up to my room without another word.

I walked into my bathroom looking at myself in the mirror, wow I looked a state.

I stripped off my clothes and turned the water on boiling, waiting for the mirror to steam up before stepping in.

I let the scorching water burn to my skin, making it turn a red. It was relaxing. I poured soap into my hand and scrubbed my scalp.

I softly began humming the beat to 'Feel Again' by One Republic. And before I knew it my shampoo bottle was the microphone and I was screaming the lyrics out.

"BUT WITH YOU, I FEEL AGAIN. YEAH WITH YOU, I CAN FEEL AGAIN." I scream-sing, playing the air guitar.

"I'm feeling better ever since you know me, I was a lonely soul but that's the old me. A little wiser now from what you show me, yeah, I feel again .. FEEL AGAIN." I strum the last note on my air guitar. Just as I step out of the shower.

I wrap a towel around my body, and prance into my room, a smile blanketing my face. I haven't felt this good in days.

"I never knew you had such a good voice, Jenna." I jerk my head towards the voice, and see none other than Harry, sitting on my bed.

My cheeks turn bright red, and I turn away from him, rushing to my closet. "Oh-uh. Erm..." I trailed off, un able to explain myself.

"Jenna don't be crazy. That was the cutest thing I've ever listened to. And the way you were smiling. It was adorable." Harry said, hugging me from behind.

"Erm. Harry, can I get dressed..?"

He nodded smiling at me before walking out of my room and shutting the door after him.

I let out a sigh of relief that he was finally gone. I can't believe he heard me singing like that. That was so embarrassing.

I quickly dressed myself in sweatpants, and my Manchester United jersey. I hung up my towel and proceeded downstairs just in time to see the boys, surrounding the tv.

"Finally she's done! Louis get the beers, it's game time!" Niall shouted.

I rolled my eyes at the Irish lad and sat down between Zayn and Harry on the sofa. Louis tossed us each a beer just as the game started.

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