Chapter 2: Louis i have a question.

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okay, no not exactly 5 comments, but since i got 3 more votes than i wanted, here it is guys. 3 votes & 5 comments = update. can we get to the goal?  p.s. i love youu. -Mason xx


"Jens.." i turn around and see Chelsea standing there. My best friend Chelsea Hatfield. I smile and embrace her, "Chels." we let go of one another, and she smiles revealing her 1 dimple. Yes, she only has one, but it's too cute.

we have our next class together, which is Maths, so we head that way. our Instuctor assigns us seat mates, and thank God i get paired with Liam. He's so dreamy. Chelsea gets paired with Harry, which was okay on my part, and hers.

She has the hugest crush on Harry, i didnt see why.. but she was totally into him. the whole Maths period we just sat and talked as our professor tried to get forms passed out and role called. Liam tells me the plans for Niall's birthday tomorrow night.

honestly, i dont care, but its Liam, Liam Payne talking here. his voice is literally sex to my ears. And considering Liam would be at Niall's party, i was looking forward to it.

Finally, the school day was over. we are all meeting at mine & Lou's house after school so we could go to the theme park. Chelsea and I run up to my room, lock the door and change out of our preparatory uniforms.

i put on my trademark style, skinny jeans, a tee, and converse. Chelsea's outfit is similar. we go downstairs and the 5 boys await us. "Gosh finally! you guys take forever", Louis spits. "Look who's talking" i hiss back. "Touche baby sister, touche." "thats what i thought.."

we all hop into mine & Louis' cars. Harry, Zayn, and Niall jump into the car with Louis. Me, Liam, and Chelsea pile into my car. after a lengthy and confusing drive, we finally get to the park. it's already opened, but to our surprise not many people are here.

we get our tickets, enter the park, and mainstream for the roller-coaster. tbh, im deathly afraid of roller-coaster, and i dont really want to ride. Everyone jumps in line, and i stay behind the gate, "ill just watch from here.."

"um absolutely not. Jenna Tomlinson you are riding this bad boy", Liam puts out his hand and offers for me to take it. i intwine my fingers with his, and he pulls me into line safely. "guys, i dont know about this. Louis you know how scared i get."

"wah wah shutup", Harry say as he wipes an imaginary tear from his eye. Louis punches Harrys arm and says, "Jenna it'll be fine. i promise." he hugs me tightly, and then shoots Harry a deathly glare.

i feel hot breath on my neck and Liam whispers, "Dont worry about them, ill hold your hand the whole time Jen." i smile, and he gives my hand a squeeze. my cheeks turn bright red as a turn to face Chelsea who flashes me a thumbs up.

after an hour of waiting, its our turn on the roller coaster. i get in my seat cautiously, and make sure they buckle me extra tightly. Liam plops down beside me and gives me a grin, before buckling himself. the roller-coaster starts to move up the steep hill, and Liam gives me a reassuring smile and grabs my hand securely.

the next thing i know the ride is completely over, and everyone's exiting thier seats. i squealed the while entire ride, but have never felt so safe in my life, because Liam was by my side. he was laughing the whole ride, and i saw him glance at me a few times to make sure i was okay. he's just perf ok?

then, im back to reality, when Chelsea says, "see Jen, i told you it'd be fine." "i guess you were right" i reply motioning in the direction on Liam. Niall is starving as usual, so we walk to the consessions area and grab a bite to eat. we have been wandering around the park all afternoon, and my feet are killing me.

it was nearly closing time, so we walked back to our cars, and headed home. before the boys left our house, i remembered i hadnt told Niall happy birthday yet. "Happy Birthday blondie!" i say hugging his neck. "Thanks Jenna. it was fun having you along today. see you at school tomorrow" he remarks before hugging Lou and leaving. Liam smiles and hugs me goodbye, and then retreats to the car with his mum.

i hug Chels goodbye and head off to my room. i throw on my pajamas, just as Louis barges into my room and jumps on my bed. "dont you know how to knock moron?" "psh, your my sister." "shutup Tommo. next time KNOCK." "your a Tommo too missy, so shut that mouth." he throws a pillow at me and cuddles himself up under my sheets.

"Louis are you sleeping in here AGAIN?" "yes. that a problem bubz?" "just scoot your huge arse over.." i say before plowing into my bed. "Louis can i ask you a question?" "yeah, whats up Jennaaaaa?" he replys rolling over to face me. "um, do you think Liam was just being nice to me today, or was he er, flirting?"

"its hard to tell with him Jen, because he is just so sweet to everybody. wait you dont like him do you?!" "what NO! thats absurd. just shut-up and go to bed Tommo." "mmmmhhhhmmm, Jenna likes Liam! Jenna like-" i slam my hand over his mouth. "not another word. goodnight Louis." "fineee, goodnight Jenna."

Louis cuddles up next to me, as usual, as i lie there thinking about what he asked me. Did i like Liam? Positively, not. wait, who was i kidding... Yeah, i most certainly did.

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