Chapter 7: Jarry?

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Louis is still at the club, and i dont have my key, so Harry calls a cab and tells the cab driver his own adress. the cab pulls up at Harry's house, and all the lights are off. he throws the cab driver the money, and helps me to the door.

he unlocks the door and fumbles to close it without making too much noise. i, completely sober unlike Harry, walk to his room and plop down on his bed. hopefully he's up to talk, because the thing with Melissa was eating away at me and i had to get it out.

he comes in a few minutes later, in just his boxers. fuck, shit, jenna stop staring. i quickly try and turn away from him, but he notices. "like what you see Tomlinson?" i scoff at the lad, "as if." "uh huh, if you didnt like it you wouldnt be drooling." my hands shot up to my mouth, there is no drool!

Harry slings his head back in laugher. "i hate you", i say before slapping his chest. "love you too Jennnaaaaaa." god, he's so drunk right now,or at least i hope so. "hey, do you have anything i can put on, this dress is annoying?" he gets up, walks to his dresser chest, and starts fumbling about.

he tosses me some gym shorts and a shirt. i sigh, thank him, and turn to go to the bathroom. i am not about to change in front of this cheeky fellow. the shorts are extremely too large and i have to hold them onto my slender body. the shirt hands down low, right above my knees.

i throw my dress into the corner of the bathroom, and scrub off my makeup. i throw my hair into a ponytail and go back to Harry's room. i throw the shorts that he gave me back to him, and just remain in the shirt, as i climb into the boy's, quite large, bed.

he climbs in after me and turns to face me. its now or never Jenna, you've got to tell him. i open my mouth the say something, but am interrupted by Harry. "Hey Jenna?" "mmmm?" "i uh- i uh- had a lot of fun tonight. and uh- thanks for helping me with Mel.." "yeah, sure Har." Har? why the hell, did i just call him Har? its weird enough that i call him Harry instead of Styles..

"and uh- Jenna?" "yeahh?" "you looked really, really, really, gorgeous tonight by the way." he smiles, showing his deep dimples on either side of his face. i smile back at him, "thankyou." he just nods.

there is no possible way i am telling him, right now. he was being so nice to me, he was NEVER nice to me! and i wasnt about to make him get all pissy. it was decided, i am not telling Harry.

my bangs fall onto my face and im too lazy to move them. Harry's hand inches closer to my face, and he tucks them behind my ear, sending shivers down my spine. i inch closer to the boy, and he inches slightly closer to me. his arms wrap around my waist and he pulls us together so that our bodies are touching.

he looks me in the eyes, making me get lost in his mezmerizing green orbs. i feel his minty hot breath on my lips as he closes the gap between us. he was about to kiss me, and i liked it, i wanted him to.

his lips met mine, here come the tingles again. sure enough they came. i moved my hands up to cup Harry's face, as he rolled on top of me. oh God, Harry what are you doing? i didnt care, i just kept kissing him as he kissed me back.

the kiss wansnt desperate. just, loving. why was i feeling this way towards my, arch nemisis? we had only been on speaking terms for around what, 3 days? and i was already letting this boy get on top of me while we made out. he let go of my lips and kissed down my neck.

a sharp pain ran through my body as he bit down on my neck. i let the little moan escape my throat. damn-it. he heard it. he looked up at me smiling, as he pecked me on last time and rolled off of me. he pulled me closer to him. i rested my head on his chest, and he held my waist with his, rather large hands.

this felt so perfect, the way our bodies melded together, it feels like we're made for each other. he kisses my forehead, making me blush. why cant i control these emotions? why am i letting him affect me like this? "goodnight Harry."

i say, scooting even closer to him, and letting his body's warmth engulf me like a fire. "goodnight Jenna", he replies intertwining one of his hands in mine. my tiny fingers engulfed by his large ones. i start to doze off. the sound of his steady heartbeat, lulling me into a dream less sleep.

his chest slowly rising and falling, i feel so safe and secure in his arms. i close my eyes, and feel myself falling deeper and deeper into sleep. i hear him mumble three little words, that i cant make out, before falling into the deepest sleep i've ever had.


my eyes flutter open and i look around. i sit up in Harry's bed, finding he isnt there. i check the clock, 11:45. the sun shining through the curtains, i smile remembering last night. how Harry was such an angel to me, praying that he was sober when he held me like that.

because, i knew it deep down, i really liked this feeling. i liked how well we got on now, and how loving he was towards me. i remember hearing him say something to me last night before i fell asleep. i didnt remember, nor could i make out what he said. i hope it wasnt anything important.

i slip out of his bed, and as my feet hit the hard wood floor, shivers run through me. i shake it off and look out of Harry's window making sure his parents arent home. sure enough, they arent. i walk downstairs and find Harry sitting on the sofa, eating cereal, still in his boxers.

i walk in slowly and sit down next to him, smiling. he smiles back, and sits his cereal down on the floor before motioning for me to come sit in his lap. i schooch over, and plop down onto his lap, crossing my legs. "morning boo."

boo? hmm i like that. "morning Har." "sleep good?" "yeah. how about you?" "eh. only the best sleep i ever had." i smile back. i squeal on the inside, knowing that he didnt have a hangover, and he was somewhat sober last night. i need to ask him what he said last night, what if it was important?

"i made breakfast for you, its on the table." how sweet of him. i nod and get up, walking over to the table and seeing a bowl of cereal waiting for me. haha, thanks Harry, i couldnt have poured milk into a bowl of frosted flakes better myself.

i grab a spoon from the drawer and walk back into the living room, sitting down in the recliner. "why'd you sit over there?" i have a full mouth of cereal, so i just shrug. he gets up off the sofa, and sits down beside me in the recliner.

"he Jenna?" "hmm?" "you wanna go out with me tonight?" oh. my. god. harry had just asked me out on a date. a real date. but i dont even know what my feelings are towards him yet. a million things are running through my mind, and i realized i havent answered him yet.

"Jenna?" "oh-uh sorry." "so will you?" it couldnt hurt could it? this way, i could figure out my feelings. "yeah, sound cool Harry." "good", he replies before kissing my forehead.

i finish up my cereal, put my bowl down and cuddle up into Harry's side. he slowly wraps his arms around me pulling me in closer. i was totally into this. i am not denying it anymore. Harry is no longer my enemy. we're friends.

pretty close friends i might add. friends that had a date tonight. yeah, i still have feelings for Liam. but so what, im a hormonal teen. its possible to have feelings for two boys right? because, without a doubt, i know, i just know.... that im starting to have feelings for Harry Styles.


Hiiiii guys. so i've gotten a few more fans. yay! i really hope you like this story! because drama is about to go down, just a warning? is Jarry real? what's gonna happen with Liam? idk. you'll just have to read to find out. vote, comment, fan? please ok. follow me on twitter? (iHarryH0ran) thankyou guys to the few of you who actually read this.

-Mason. xx

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