Chapter 12: Skyfall.

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A slap to the face. A bullet in the chest. The weight of the world, crashing on my shoulders. My world crashing down before my eyes.

A whimper escapes my trembling lips, as the tears pour out of my eyes.

Liam and Louis' heads jerk in my direction, just as I run out of the room, slamming the door. I run down the stairs, tears streaming down my face. Storming out of my back-door, I made my way to our childhood treehouse.

I climb the steps carefully, and push the door open, crawling inside. I curl up in a bean-bag chair, and wrap myself in a blanket. Sobs shaking my body.

How could they? How could Liam cheat on me? And with my own brother! Liam wasn't gay! And neither was Louis, I thought.

Looks like I was wrong. About everything. Nobody could like me. Nobody. I'm just Louis Tomlinson's nobody of a sister. I found myself crawling to a desk drawer, sliding it open slowly.

It shown against the moonlight. Taking me into a trance. I wiped the tears from my eyes, as I grabbed the shiny silver, clutching it tightly. I winced as it broke the skin.

Removing the blade from my hand, I slid down the sleeve of my shirt revealing my old, pale white scars. I put the blade up to my wrist, tracing an old scar. Shivers went down my spine, as the cold medal traced my skin. Nobody loves you.

Nobody loves you. The voices repeated in my head. I shut my eyes, gripping the blade. I pushed it down, letting it break the skin. The crimson blood trickling down my pale arm. A smile spread across my face, as I moved the blade lower cutting again.

Relief spread trough my body. The burning pain from my wrist, overpowering my heartache. I sighed.

"Jenna?" I gasped, and jerked my head to the entrance. "Jenna what are you doing?"

I chucked the blade across the room, clutching my wrist in my hands. "Harry? What are you doing up here?", I asked my voice cracking.

"I saw you run out here. Are you okay?" my mind ran back to Liam, and Louis. Shit. Here come the tears again. "n-not r-really", I choke out between sobs. Harry walks over to me, placing a soothing hand on my back. I melted into his touch.

He grabbed me and placed me in his arms, rubbing soothing circles on my back. The blood from my cuts, was still flowing, caking my hands in the crimson plasma. I buried my head into Harry's neck, letting my tears fall to his hot skin.

"SHH Jenna it's okay", he said comfortingly. He reached down to grab my hand, and his fingers met the blood. He gasped as I jumped from his lap, pulling my sleeve down to cover the fresh cuts.

Harry walked over to me, turning me around so I faced him. I stared at the floor, not wanting to look into his emerald orbs. "Jenna look at me." I shook my head. He grabbed my arm. I winced at his touch.

He rolled my sleeve up gently, revealing my fresh cuts. My eyes wandered around the room, looking at anything and everything but him. A sob escaped his throat, "Jenna, why?" i shrugged my shoulders, jerking my arm away from his hold.

"I don't wanna talk about it Harry", I growl. He reaches out to touch me once again, and I jerk away instantly. "talk to me Jenna" he pushes. "Harry just please go away." "but Jen-." "JUST GO AWAY", I scream, bursting out into tears.

Harry shoves me against the wall, "GOD-DAMNIT JENNA. IM NOT LEAVING UNTIL YOU TELL ME." tears pour out of my eyes, as I sink to the floor. Harry following suit, and sitting across from me.

He reaches over to me, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. "Jenna, tell me. Please", he says in a whisper. I wipe my eyes, and look up to his shimmering green ones.

"2 years. 2 years ago. Freshman year", I begin. "I started cutting." thoughts of that painful year, raced through my scared mind. It was torture. The way I carry myself, you'd never think I was insecure.

Oh but, I am.

Harry drapes his arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer. Comforting me. Once again, I melted into his touch. Being engulfed by his body's warmth. "it's okay Jenna, I'm here," he says soothingly.

I nod. But that's the thing that worries me the most. Why was he here instead of with his girlfriend? I felt at any moment she'd prance up here and cause him of cheating on her. Which would break Harry's fragile heart, and leave him torn.

I couldn't let that happen. I mean after all, he was my best friend. I wanted him to be happy, not gloomy. Sitting here with me, might depress him. No. No. No. Goodbye Harry.

"Harry, go back to the party. I want to be alone." I push his arm off of me. He groans, "i said no." stubborn are we Styles?

"Harry for the la-." His lips come crashing down on mine. What the actual fucktard? I feel his lips, moving on mine, but mine stay frozen.

Harry grabs my arm, an I wince. His plump lips leave the surface of mine as a frown cascades his gorgeous face. "Jenna, I erm. I am so sorry," he says concerned.

Is he sorry for kissing me, or grabbing me arm? "Both." my eyes dart towards him, was i talking out loud? "Yes. And you're doing it again." shit. "Shit is right." I slap Harry's arm playfully as a warm smile coats my lips.

Harry. The only one who can make me smile in a time like this.

"just tell me Jenna-Bug." he just called me Jenna-Bug... what the hell was that? I shoot him a 'what the hell' glance. He shrugs, pulling me into his arms. "you can trust me."

I sigh, admitting defeat. He nudges me as pushing me to continue.

"Louis and L-Liam." I stutter out, trying to choke back sobs. Harry looks at me, confused. "Isawthemhavingsexinlouisroom."

"Whoa. Whoa. Jenna, slow down," he says rubbing soothing circles on my back.

I take a deep breath and continue. "After you left the roof, I went looking for Liam." he nods, pressing me to keep going.

"Well I heard searched the whole house, and couldn't find him anywhere. So, i decided to check my bedroom," I said. "I started walking down the hallway, and heard some strange noises. Sex noises."

Harry's face struck with confusion as I continued. "I approached Louis' bedroom door. Opened it. And then I found Liam... On top of my brother. Naked."

I buried my head into Harry's chest and let the sobs I'd been holding back, shake my body. Harry was frozen. "uh. Eh. Um. I'm so sorry Jenna..", he trailed off holding me closer.

He rested his chin on my head, "i really am." I nodded into his chest, still sobbing like no tomorrow.

What was I supposed to do? My boyfriend, and my brother? A couple? My heart physically can't take anymore pain. Sadly, my heart isn't indestructible.

But if they were happy then I'd have to move on, right? NO! I had Liam first, Louis cant up and steal my boyfriend! Although as I thought about it, everything seemed to make sense.

The way Liam looked at Louis at the club. The way Liam was always at our house. The way Liam would steal glances at Louis when, he thought, nobody was looking, even though i always saw it. The way Louis would always ask me about Liam. Or the way Liam'd always be there when I woke up, like he'd never left.

It. All. Makes. Sense.

"JENNA! Jenna!" a hand waves in front of my face. "you've been staring off into space, for like 10 minutes. Are you okay?," Harry asks.

I nod, "yeah I'm fine."

"Alrighty then, let's go get your arm clean up, yeah?" I'd totally forgotten about my arm. Shit.

"Hey babe, don't worry. I won't tell anyone." I let out a sigh of relief, "thanks Harry."

"What are friends for right?" yeah, what are 'friends' for...


Hola case-a-dilla's. So here's the next chappie. Weehoo. How'd you like it? HUH? Please tell me it was good. Big thanks to Miss_Angel for the cover of this book. GUYS PLEASE check out my new bromance story "Just Supposed To Love You." vote, fan, comment. Ily.

-Mase. x

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