Chapter 18: Temporary Bliss.

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I grabbed my phone from the counter and quickly unlocked it, revealing a new text.

From Lili: goodmorning babe! (:

I smiled as my fingers glided over the screen to reply.

To Lili: mornin' sweetheart, how'd you sleep?

I sat my phone down and slumped into the recliner, cutting on the tele. I flicked through the channels a bit before settling on an old MU football match.


From Lili: slept great, but I missed you. Do you think I can come over today for a bit?

Well that's a stupid question Liam obviously you can?

To Lili: sure babe. we have family dinner tonight, maybe my mum will let you come? (:

I hopped out of the chair and trotted into the kitchen just in time to see my mum sitting at the table. "Morning mum," I said placing a kiss to her forehead.

"Morning Lou," she said giving me a tight hug. I smiled as she released me and sat down in the chair beside her.

"Hey mum, can Liam come over for family dinner tonight?" I looked up at her with hopeful eyes.

She looked up from her newspaper, a thinking look plastered on her face. "Hmm, well I don't see why not? Maybe Jenna will ask Harry to come along too."

"Thanks mum! You're the best. I'll tell Liam," I blurt out excitedly. "Oh and I'll make sure and tell Jenna and Harry too."

"Well it's settled then. Speaking of your sister, where is she?"

My eyes widened. Shit. Shit. Shit Shit Shit. I couldn't tell her she spent the night at Harry's, mum would kill her.

"She-uh um she sp-spent the night at Chelsea's! Yeah she stayed with Chelsea last night." Good cover Louis, remind to reward yourself later.

She nodded, "Okay just make sure she and Harry are home for dinner, alright son?" "Will do, love you mum," I replied quickly.

I walked back to my chair in the living room and swiped up my phone seeing 2 new text messages.

From Lili: let me know what she says honey bunch!

Only my boyfriend....

To Lili: "honey bunch" that's adorableeeee. Mum said yes, be over a little later yeah?

I smiled thinking about how lucky I was to have a mother who accepted me being gay. I saw that the other message was from Harry.

From Harry Styles: broooooooo, I'm buzzin. last night was siiiiiiiccckkkkk!

I chuckled.

To Harry Styles: I bet. I always new Jenna would be amazing I mean duhhhh I'm her brother. By the way, I told mum she was at Chelsea's but you two need to be over for dinner later k?

I still can't believe my sister lost her virginity last night. I bet she is sore as fuck too, I know I was. I'm gonna text her.

To JennaBear: take a bubble bath, it helps take some of the stiffness away ;)

*Ping Ping Ping*

From Lili: I'm on my way over now! See you in a bit (:

From Harry Styles: she was bloody fantastic Louis I swear. and alright see you later bro!

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