Chapter 3: The Party.

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Ahh. yay. met our goal for the last chapter. since my story sucks, i dont even know if im going to continue writing it.. im thinking about doing a bromance fanfic? maybe.. well let me know if you think i should continue writing or not. goal for next chapter; 4 votes & 6 comments? can we get it? thankyou to the few readers who actually care, you guys are too nice. -Mason. xx


"PARTAAAY" Louis screamed as we walked in the door of Niall's house. i roll my eyes and plop down on the sofa. "aw c'mon Jens, come party with us!" "No thanks Zayn, i'll just wait until my friends get here." he nods, "but save me a dance?" "sure Zaynie. you got it" i wink.

"Jenna!" i shoot my head around to see my best friend fastly approaching me. "Chelseaaa!" she wraps me into a hug. "okay Jens, i NEEED a drink."

i roll my eyes at her, lord Chelsea always wanting to get hammered. oh what the hell, lets have fun. i walk over to Louis, "where the drinks?" he gasps, "oh my sweet little innocent baby sister is gonna drink? well done Louis, you have succeeded. oh, right. over in the cooler is beer, and in the bowl is spiked punch."

i nod and Chelsea scampers off to grab a beer. Louis hugs me, "hey Jenna, be careful okay?" i smirk sarcastically, and grab a beer myself.

i'd never really drunk before, maybe a beer or two with Louis, but who cares it is a party right? i flick the top open, and take a swig. the burning substance slides down the back of my throat and a swig more.

thats when i see them, Katelyn Houston & Grace Cooper. the most popular -and bitchiest- girls in school. they look me and Chelsea up and down, laugh, and shove past us for a beer.

i storm over to Niall, "why the fuck did you invite the school skanks?" "they're hot" he scoffs. Harry looks at me and smirks before high-fiving Niall. then Harry's gaze goes to a girl, walking through the crowd. "ah shit."

we're all stunned by his words. the girl strides towards us, and smiles. Harry looks right at me, "uh Jenna can i talk to you? like NOW?" "uh, why?" "i'll explain later, now c'mon!"

he grabs my hand, sliding his fingers into mine. it sends a tingle down my spine. he pulls me into Niall's room. "no Harry. i am NOT having sex with you." he drops his hand out of mine. "thats not why i pulled you in here. i pulled you in here because i need a favor."

"um okay?" "you know that girl that walked in here?" "i guess so.." "wellshe'smyexandireallyhateherandimprettysureshestilllikesmesowillyoupretendtobtmygirlfriendsosheleavesmealone?"

my mouth was full of beer, as i chuckled and it practically came flying out. i swallowed quickly, "what?" he groans, "well she is my ex. and i really hate her. im pretty sure she still likes me, so will you er, pretend to be my girlfriend so she will leave me alone?" i laugh.

he groans. "oh you were serious?" "please Jenna?" he starts jumping up and down like a freaking puppy dog begging me. "if you shut the fuck up, ill do it." "YES! ahh thank you Jenna."

"whatever, but you better not get too touchy on me. oh and i promised Zayn a dance, so." "alright fine. but you have to let me like, hold your hand and shit, and maybe kiss you until she leaves." i sigh. whatever, im halfway drunk anyway so what the hell?

as we walk out of Niall's room, he grabs my hand and there are the tingles again. what the bloody hell was wrong with me? it was probably the alcohol affecting my emotions. i shrug it off and walk back out to the party with Styles.

when we get out there, the girl that is -supposedly- Harry's ex is standing with Niall, Liam, Zayn, and Louis. "H-Harry?" she stutters as i see her glance down at our intertwined hands. "oh Hey Melissa." Melissa, where have i heard that before?

i smile and tilt my bottle back for another mouthful of beer. shit i drank it all. "hey Styl- i mean uh Harry can you get me another beer, please?" he nods and walks away throwing my empty bottle in the trash can. Melissa gives me a dirty look. i roll my eyes.

he finally returns and hands me another beer, also grabbing one for himself. "here ya go babe." he says handing it to me and then kissing my cheek. as his soft lips hit my cheek, my whole body tingles, and it feels like sparks are flying in every direction.

its probably just the alcohol. i manage a cheap smile, and open my other bottle. i take the first swig, and let the burning alcohol slide down the back of my throat. Harry's arm trails around my waist and he pulls me in really close to him. waay to close for my liking.

"so this is your girlfriend Haz?" i almost choke on the words that just came out of her mouth, but remembering im pretending i just look up at Harry. "yeah. Melissa this is Tomm- this is Jenna. my girlfriend." she nods and walks away looking kindof down.

once she is out of earshot range, Harry screams. "YES! it worked. thanks Tommo." he slaps my back. "yeah, whatever Styles." the girl finally leaves and i walk over to find Chelsea. she's with, Zayn. Zayn? since when did she like Zayn?

guess he replaced me for that dance, i mean i have never seen her dance like that before. i swear the kid was gonna get a boner, if he already didnt have one. i felt a hand on my shoulder.

i turned around, to face Liam. LIAM. i just wanted to kiss him, but i didnt. i controlled myself. "Hey Liam." "Hey Jenna. wanna dance with me?" i smile, and nod. what? Liam wanted to dance, with me? of all the gorgeous girls here, he wanted to dance with me?

i sat my beer down, and he pulled me on to the dance floor. he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulled me in close as we started to grind. i had my hands in the nape of his neck, fiddling with his hair. the song went off, and he pulled me to the side of the room and shoved me against the wall.

was this really gonna happen? was he really gonna kiss me right now? one arm resting on my waist the other on the wall helping him stand, as he leaned in to kiss me. as soon as he placed his lips on mine i wanted more. his lips, were so soft. i cupped his face with my hands deepening the kiss.

his lips moved with hesitation, but intensely. his tongue grazed my bottom lip, begging me for entry. i let him in. his tongue danced with mine, and finally i gained dominance. he finally let go of the kiss, gasping for breath.

he grabbed my hand, and smiled at me as we descended down the hallway.

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