Chapter 5: Aftermath.

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i barge into Niall's room, and send a death glare to Harry. he shoots up from the bed and gives me that 'what the fuck do you want' face. "STYLES WHAT HAPPENED LAST NIGHT?" "calm down sweetheart, we just had sex and all."

i slap his cheek, "w-we what?" his hands cup his cheek, "Jenna, i was just kidding, we didnt have sex. jeeeeez". cue the facepalm. i pinch the bridge of my nose, trying to block out my throbbing hangover and focus on Harry. "let me ask you one more time Styles what the actual fuck, happened last night?"

"you want the whole story, you better come sit down", he reply'd patting the spot on the bed next to him. i polp down beside him, "alright, explain." "okay, well you see last night one of my exes came here, and i hate her and wanted her to leave, so you agreed to be my pretend girlfriend. she finally left and you went to dance with Liam. you guys started making out in the corner of the room."

i smile to myself, i kissed Liam? "then, you guys proceeded down the hall. i didnt think anything of it, until i went to use the toilet and i hear moaning. i barged in on you guys, you guys were about to, yaknow.." he trails off.

i grow confused, why did Harry want to stop us, why the fuck did he care? he hated me...and i hated him. "so why were you in the bed with me?"

"well i know how horrible Liam gets when he's drunk, he would've had sex with you and woke up today not remembering, then would've told you it was a mistake. so i threw him his clothes, he left and you started to cry. i pulled you into my arms, and asked if you wanted to sleep, you nodded so i climbed into bed with you."

"but why were you so caring for me last night? you usually, hate me..?" the expression on Harry's face fell from compassion to confusion. why all of the sudden did he care about me? "c'mon Tommo, what you think i like you? thats fucking hilarious!"

i punch his arm, "shut the hell up Styles." "Louis asked me to come check on you, so i did. i was exhausted so just layed down, you cuddled up to me. i was tipsy, so i just went with it. and dont you think for one second that i actually like you, it was for Lou" he smirked.

and he's back. i walk out of the room, not saying another word to him. i was somewhat hurt actually, its probably just the hangover thrashing around in my head. i glide down the stairs, and snatch a waffle off of the plate. mmmmm, NIALL MADE WAFFLES.

i take a vicious bite out of it, and plop down on the sofa next to Louis. "oh hey Jens, uh Liam called and wants to talk to you." i swear, i blushed crimson red, but for my sake i pray to God that i was only imagining it. i grab my phone from the counter.

my finger hovers over Liam's name before i press the button lightly, and it begins ringing. "hello?" "hey Liam, you wanted to talk to me?" "uh yeah Jenna, go into another room. we need to speak privately." i walk into the bathroom, "k im in the bathroom, what's up?"

"about last night, Jenna im so sorry. i was really really drunk and i should'nt have done that to you." im frozen, Harry was right. Liam regretted everything! he probably hated me. "Jenna?: "oh-uh sorry, and its fine. i was drunk too." "so were cool then? were still friends right?" "mhmm." "shew! ok good! well, ill talk to you later Jens. Bye." "Bye Li."

my back slides down the wall as i drop my phone on the floor. i cover my face with my hands, as the tears fall. why didnt Liam like me? FUCK MY LIFE! someone knocks on the door. "Jenna you in there?" oh great, its Harry.

he opens the door and strides in, looking down at me. "Louis told me to come check on you." i was starting to wonder why Louis didnt come check on me his-self, why was he sending Harry? i just wipe my eyes, and look up into his eyes.

i try to read them. i swear i see love, but no?! this alcohol is seriously affecting me really badly, im never drinking again! he bends down and offers me a hand. i grab it and slowly stand up. he picks my phone up off of the floor, and hands it to me.

i turn to leave, but he stops me. "hey Jenna, i just wanted to say im sorry for everything last night. it was none of my business what Liam and you were doing. im sorry ok?" i nod. he smiles and hugs me. again with the tingles?

i half-heartedly hug him back before going back into the living room. everyone is sitting around, talking and i feel really exluded. Harry enters behind me, "so what's the plan for tonight?" Niall jumps off the floor, "we're going clubbing!"

ah great, sluts, sluts, and more sluts. this night was gonna suck. i even had a feeling that it was gonna be even shittier than last night. i run my fingers through my hair. i wish this fucking hangover would go the hell on somewhere!


well there you have it Chapter 5. i know i know! it sucks, beyond belief. dont hate me ok? im trying. but maybe possibly, PLEASE, help me promote this story? vote, comment, etc. oh, and to my few readers, i luff you ok.

-Mason x

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