Chapter 19: The Final Countdown

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"Ladies and Gentlemen, One Direction!" I stood up from my chair on the front row and applauded as Harry, Niall, Liam, Zayn, and Louis walked out onto stage.

Harry stood in the middle of the other boys as i took in his appearance; Loose black jeans adorned on his waist, a Rolling Stones t-shirt hugging his torso, and a beanie concealing what little hair remained after all his treatments. It pained me to look into his sunken eyes as he tried to force smile on his face just for me.

He was literally my entire world, i knew my world was going to come to an end but i never would have imagined it to be ending this fast. I remember just months ago we sat in my dining room talking with my mother about how sick Harry was, and I remember him assuring me he would be okay. I wish i had those days back...

I can no longer go a day without Harry breaking down and crying in my arms because he is scared. Every day he tells me he is sorry that he isn't getting better but that he is fighting for me. Nobody understands what its like to have your world slowly slipping away from you, until you actually have to experience it.

Four months ago i wouldn't have even dreamed to see Harry standing on a stage in front of me about to preform with his best friends, and that just shows you how much of a fighter he actually is.

"How is everyone doing tonight?", Niall spoke into his microphone as the crowd erupted in cheering. Harry's eyes met mine for a split second and he winked at me before mouthing the words "i love you". I smiled and mouthed them back, blowing a kiss in his direction. A pink blush crept onto his cheeks and he raised the microphone to his lips.

"My name is Harry and we here to play some music for you tonight, hope you enjoy." He smiled at me one more time before the music to "What Makes You Beautiful" started to play. Liam stepped forward to sing the opening lines as usual, the crowd buzzing with the music.

They sang a few more songs before the stage lights dimmed. I was sitting in my chair when a spotlight landed on Harry who was center stage, sitting on a stool, a guitar hanging around his neck. "At this time our friend Harry has a little surprise for someone special," Zayn said winking at me. What was going on here?

Harry walked to the edge of the stage and grabbed my hand, motioning for me to come onto the stage with him. Then it hit me, he wants to sing to me on stage in front of all these people. I shook my head, "no Harry you know i have stage-fright". He bent down so his face was level with mine, "Come on babe it'll be fine its just one song". I shook my head again causing his beautiful smile to turn into a frown.

"Guys I'm gonna need your help! Jenna here is a bit scared to come on stage with me." I looked at the people in the crowd surrounding me, cheeky smirks on their faces. Next thing i know a random in the audience starts chanting "JENNA! JENNA! JENNA!", and soon enough the whole crowd joins in.

I sink back into my chair trying to hide when i feel two strong arms wrap around me and hoist me up onto the stage. The crowd immediately begins clapping and cheering as i admit defeat and sit down on the stool placed directly across from Harrys. He reaches for my hand kissing it lightly before placing it back in my lap and smiling at me.

"This is just a little something to show you how much i love you", he whispers just that i can hear. "Ladies and Gentlemen, Harry Styles with a cover of Edwin McCain's I'll Be." I look into his eyes as he begins to strum his guitar. Butterflies swarming in my stomach a blush crept to my cheeks. I smiled just reminding myself that this boy, this angel was mine.

"The strands in your eyes that color them wonderful Stop me and steal my breath. And emeralds from mountains thrust towards the sky Never revealing their depth."

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