Chapter 11: Unforgiveable.

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“JENNA!” I rolled over and pulled the covers over my face. My door opened and someone entered my room, sitting down on my bed.

“JENNA!” I jumped bolt upright in my bed, “Louis fuck you.” He laughed, ruffling my messy brunette hair.

“Why the hell are you waking me up so freaking early on a Saturday?” I groan. “Liam’s here.” A smile spreads across my face, as I jump out of bed running down the stairs as fast as possible.

I reach the bottom of the stairs and see Liam standing there smiling. I jump at him, tackling him to the ground.  “Liam!” he wraps his arms around me as I cup his cheeks in my hands and plant a gentle kiss on his pink plump lips.

“Hey Babe”, he says before kissing me again. “GET A ROOM!” Liam smacks his lips at Louis, and helps me up off of the floor carefully.

Liam punches Louis in the arm, not-so-playfully. “What was that for, I mean seriously when are you two not sucking face?”

Liam smirks, and pecks my cheek. Louis huffs in frustration. “Alright anyways we have to plan for the party tonight”, Liam states. Oh yeah, he was coming home from the hospital today. And of course, my brother being his best friend and all decides to throw him a huge party.

“Well first off we have to clean the whole house, get food and beer, and make sure we book a hotel -room for mum and dad”, Louis states matter-of-factly.

I roll my eyes and grab a bowl from the cabinet. Louis tosses me my favorite cereal, Froot Loops, as I grab the milk from the fridge and pour it into the bowl.

I plop down in one of the bar stools and eat my cereal slowly. It doesn’t take me long until I’ve scoffed down the whole bowl, drinking the tad bit of remaining in it. I throw my bowl in the sink, and walk over to the radio flipping it on, turning the speakers to full volume. “Let’s do this poo.”


The doorbell rung, Harry was here. Louis gave us the cue to hide, as he cut off the lights and strode over to the door. Louis opened the door and Harry walked into the door, Melissa clinging to his arm. Louis flipped on the lights, and we all jumped out yelling “SURPRISE!”

Harry smiled brightly, as the music started up and Harry thanked everyone for coming. He gave Liam a hug, when his eyes landed on me.

He mouthed the words “15 minutes, on the roof.” I nodded as he moved on to hug Zayn.

Liam grabbed my hand and pulled me onto the make-shift dance floor. An upbeat song echoed through our flat, as the sweaty crowd grinded on one another.

Liam turned me around, as we awkwardly grinded, like back in the club weeks ago.

The song ended and I escaped the crowd for a few minutes to go get a drink. Louis obviously made it so all the drinks in the house were alcoholic, so I reluctantly grabbed a glass from the cabinet and filled it with tap water, taking a quick swig and letting the ice cold water run down my burning throat.

I set the glass down, just as two arms slid around my waist spinning me around. “Why’d you leave me babe?” I smiled, “sorry Li, had to get I drink.” I motioned to the glass and he nodded taking the glass from my hands and taking a sip himself.

Before I knew it, 20 minutes had passed. Oh shit. Harry was waiting on the roof. I told Liam I was going to the bathroom, and he nodded kissing me on the cheek. I smiled exiting the room, and heading up the stairs out to the balcony.

And there he sat, waiting for me, alone.

“I was beginning to think you weren’t coming.” I walked over to where he sat, and plopped myself down beside him. I rolled my eyes at him, “so what’s up Styles?” he let out a deep breath, and paused like he was gathering his thoughts until he turned to face me.

“Jenna, I just wanted to say I was sorry. For everything.” He took my hands in his, “I really am Jenna. I didn’t mean to break your heart. Could you ever forgive me?” I looked into his eyes, the emerald in them sparkling brightly.

I turned away sharply, and lay back on the roof, looking at the stars. “Why Harry? Why’d you do it?” I asked, holding back the tears. He laid himself down beside me, and turned on his side to face me once again.

“When Melissa kissed me, that day you saw us” he started, “she just barged in and kissed me, unexpectedly. It felt just like old times, so I don’t know I just kissed her back. It felt so wrong, but right at the same time, because you can’t forget your first love. Ya know?”

He paused, waiting for my response.

I nodded, I mean he was right. You can’t forget your first love.

“When I woke up to you at the hospital, I wanted to kiss you then and there, to make it up to you. But Melissa barged in, and my heart said yes. My heart told me, Melissa. But my brain told me, Jenna. I’m sorry Jenna. I just hope we can be friends.”

I rolled over to look at Harry, our eyes meeting. “no matter what Harry, we’ll always be friends. Promise?” he stretched his pinky out to meet mine, and hooked it through.

“Pinky Promise Jenna.” He smiled at me and I smiled back. He slowly sat up, helping me up along with him.

He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into a tight intimate hug. “Go get her”, I whispered in his ear. He pulled away from me and nodded, walking back into the house.

I walked back into the house after Harry, and strode down the stairs in search of my Liam.

I searched the whole dance floor, pushing through all the sweaty drunks. No sign of Liam anywhere. I stepped into the kitchen, nope still not there. Where could he be? I headed towards the stairs, maybe he was in my room.

I opened the door to my room, still not there.

I walked down the hallway slowly. There were noises coming from Louis’ room. Oh no. I pressed my ear to the door, “oh Louis. YEAH.”

My hand hovered over the doorknob before turning it sharply and barging into the door. I gasped at what I saw.

 Liam and my brother, in his bed, doing something absolutely UNFORGIVEABLE.


Hiiiiii guys! So uh, how’d you guys like that chapter? I’m trying to make them a little longer. So uh, oh. LILO? What will be Jenna’s reaction? Why is Harry reminiscing in the past, with Melissa? I warned you, SO LET THE DRAMA BEGIN. *laughs evily* so yeah anyways im posting the first chapter of my new Zarry/Narry boyxboy story very soon, so be looking out. And can I have a few more votes and comments please? Anyways byeeee.

-Masonnnn. x

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