03 | 𝐺𝑖𝑟𝑙 𝐶𝑜𝑑𝑒

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After my mom's lectures of disapproval and words of relief, I took a shower.

Stripping out of his all-so-comfortable hoodie and sweatpants, placing them on the bathroom tile and turning on the stream of water in a matter of seconds, I smelled horribly and felt bad for Victor. Luckily my mom didn't notice the black attire I showed up in, but Kayla did. Though I could hear her thoughts and questions whirling in her mind, she remained straight-faced and said we'll talk after my shower.

The beards of water pelted out of the shower-head and slithered over my bare skin. I tilted my head back, running the palms of my hands down my scalp and scrunched the dead-weight of my brunette hair, now looking much darker than how it usually did. I grabbed a loofa with a bit of my favorite smelling orange citrus body wash and that's when the hangover and memory of last night flipped in my stomach.

I felt nauseous. Even a little dizzy.

I quickly finished my shower so I wouldn't have to pass out in there and grabbed the towel on the toilet seat to dry off. I changed into my red and black checkered pajama pants and into a school spirit hoodie that I've somehow saved since the sixth grade. It was big and comfortable, and I didn't mind wearing Felix the Fox (our school mascot) with the bold white and orange outlined lettering, 'Fox Point High' with every detail about me. The state, Wyoming, as well as my classes' graduating year. 

This year.

I haven't really fathomed it to be honest. I'm adding the last few final touches on some of my college applications that have later deadlines, but for the most part, I was on the right track. My school's guidance counselor believed that I'll be able to make it to my dream school, Vanderbilt University, if I kept my grades stabilized for the rest of the school year. I've always wanted to help people, going into the medical field seemed almost instinctual when people asked me what I wanted to do when I got older, ever since I was a kid, but of course things changed and now, I was definite, a nurse practitioner.

Going to nursing school wasn't the dream for everyone, but it's kinda just been something in the back of my mind. My dad used to be a surgeon and I think he would've been proud to know that I was following that similar path of medical-ness.

I didn't even get a second to walk out of the bathroom when I opened the door. Kayla appeared from the wall alongside it, startling me.

I squeezed the tips of my air with the towel as I walked into my room, grabbing a pony on the way in with Kayla's voice following me. "Tell me!" Kayla cried out after the door shut. "Who was that with you on the phone?"

My tone raised twelve octaves higher. "No one was with me on the phone... it was the TV?"

"You're such a terrible liar!" Kayla scolded and I flipped my head upside down, nausea trembling up my throat, but not enough to actually make me puke. I slipped on a stretchy elastic around my hair and tied it into a bun, straightening my posture and getting a halo of birds, stars, and spots around my head.

"Uh-" I groaned, "I'm dizzy." I walked to my headboard, then around to my queen bed, plopping myself on my usual side as Kayla followed suit with hers. We faced my lone window, because when I was twelve, the creative idea to be like a princess whose bed faced the window was my dream, which involved the back of the headboard to face the door, and somehow, I've just never gotten around to changing it, though I've always wanted to... but I was a people-watcher at heart, therefore I procrastinated the idea of making my bedroom look 'normal'. 

"Spit it out!" Kayla demanded. "I heard a male sounding--oh my god!" she squealed, making a thrumming noise to erupt in my temple. "You lost your virginity, didn't you?" she pressed. "My friend ain't no virgin anymore! Let's get ice cream, Taco Bell, and I'll order a cake--"

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐚𝐝 𝐁𝐨𝐲'𝐬 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐢𝐩𝐥𝐞Where stories live. Discover now