26 | 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑠 𝑃𝑒𝑎𝑐ℎ

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"I haven't seen Kayla around in a while, is she alright?" my mom inquired, crouched to level with the chicken nesting boxes. She raised her heavy head, revealing beads of sweat and her inflamed cheeks.

"Yeah... you could say that, she's good," I curtly replied, my arms growing sore from the same up-and-down motion. I continuously sanded one of the beams of wood as she repeatedly smacked a hammer to a nail head, stabilizing one of the perches inside of the shed. The doors were held open by two bricks on either side, and the cold stagnant air filled my lungs during each much-needed inhale.

"Did something happen between you two?" she wondered, beginning to lower the hammer and straighten her legs. She swiped her long sleeve clad arm across her forehead with a heaved sigh of exhaustion. "You can talk to me--"

Usually those statements are dismissed with a curt 'I'm fine' but something impulsively told me to just say, "you knew that Kayla had been with my crush."

My mom's face softened and her eyes went to the wooden flooring before coming back up to meet mine. "Did Kayla say that? I was afraid she would."

"Who else knew?" I rebuked.

"I made her tell her parents." My mom paused. She brought her water bottle to her lips and guzzled. "Rhy, I'd like to think that you know how lucky you are to have people to talk to. Kayla did something that even I was surprised about, but she was nervous and needed to talk to someone about it. What do you think we were doing? Gossiping behind your back maliciously?"

Something in her voice was pain and her eyes appeared more devastated than what I anticipated when urging this conversation forward. "Listen, I wanted to talk to you about it myself, but first I needed to convince Kayla to talk to her parents--"

"What are you talking about?" I questioned with irritation.

My mom quirked a brow. "You are aware that Kayla might be pregnant, right?"

Hold up. Ow, my heart hurts; like pained. Am I getting watery eyes from shock? I can't feel my body. My hands are cold, clammy. Everything is blurry, and fuck. That changes things...


When my eyes fluttered open, the bright florence of the living room greeted me abruptly in return. My head was soaked with cold water flooding down the side of my face and my back was once again; throbbing.

"What the heavens happened?" I grumbled, yelping in pain at the feeling of my pulsing headache.

"You fainted," my mom muttered, removing a cold compress on my head. "You hit your head and I put an icepack on you." She dried the side of my face with a towel "How are you feeling?" She sat on the coffee table before the sofa.

I sat upright with a few groans and her distant "be careful" in my ears. I threw my legs unsteadily over the edge of the cushion, gazing down at the carpet to see Moose trying to look at me, though only one eye shot to me before he drooled a string of saliva on his paw. Jessica tilted her head. "Do you need any water? Food?"

I shrugged lightly. "Water would be nice," I told her.

"Can you go get her water?" she called towards the kitchen which caused my eyes to narrow. I felt my soul leave my body as I heard the fridge open and close, knowing well-enough that it was just my mom and me before I fainted. My breath became slightly quicker than abnormal and not even a second later, Mikayla Ashby appeared in the doorway, and right behind her, Sullivan Corbett.

What the fuck?

Oh, no. I'm dizzy again.


𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐚𝐝 𝐁𝐨𝐲'𝐬 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐢𝐩𝐥𝐞Where stories live. Discover now