31 | 𝐼𝑡𝑠 𝐵𝑒𝑒𝑛 𝑎 𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑢𝑡𝑒

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"I don't know how to feel," I uttered into the phone, looking both ways as if I were going to be caught red-handed. I told myself that the last thing I would do would be to tell people Victor and I kissed, but it was only a shy couple of hours later when I quickly sent the text 'I did something' and both Keiona and Jay responded in the group chat similarly. 

"Well, who's the better kisser?" Jay asked urgently. "Come on, Keiona and I are dying to know over here."

"Yeah, girl, if you don't spill the deets anytime soon, I'll have to test it out for myself," she added with a snap of her bubblegum. I paced the vacant hallway, back and forth and back again as the phone pressed flush up against my ear. The chatter-occupied room blew their voices out of proportion, but I listened to their small add-ons like "So?" "Go on, tell us."

I hesitated, then mentioned, "I don't know, he's okay--I guess."

"You guess?" Keiona retorted. "Girl, he is fuckin incredible. A lil' on the shorter end, but who am I to say?" She chuckled. Keiona was naturally tall and lean, and I wouldn't be surprised if she wanted to be a model. In fact, I would encourage it.

"He's okay," I restated, biting my lip trepidatiously.

Jay scoffed into the speaker. "I most definitely know he's a good kisser." It suddenly got a tad on the quieter side. "Well, I would assume," he mentioned laughing.

"It's just—" My breath felt tight in my chest because a part of me didn't want to say what I was thinking, and that was agreeing with them. I was afraid that if I releveled my thought process, I might let something slip that I most certainly didn't want to hear from myself or my friends. "I got to go."

"Oh..." Jay's voice was small. "We didn't upset you, did we?" he wondered with a downcast.

"No, of course not!" I smiled towards a crowd of people who dismissed me. "I should get going though. Vicky's birthday and all, y'know?"

"Right. It's not an everyday occurrence you get swept off your feet by two dashingly, well, one dashingly handsome gentleman," Keiona exaggerated humorously. "Go on and get your old man before he turns forty in a blink of an eye."

Jay added in a mock-serious tone, "they get old so fast, don't they?"

"Indeed they do-" I was sure Keiona and him were having their own separate conversation at that point. Therefore, I didn't feel too bad when I started to interject.

"I'm going now!"

"Have fun---not too much fun!" Jay crooned lastly into the speaker before I cut them off with the abrupt press of a button. My screen vanished to our text messages of him begging me to call. When I looked up, I spotted Victor wearing his black tank top that read "Birthday King" and one of the paper birthday cone-hats I got him.

"You look hot," I stated, but my monotone voice was an indication that I was only teasing, but he took it as if I genuinely meant it.

"Don't I?" He extended his arms and playfully twirled in a 360 to show off his typical ripped back jeans with loose, undid strings dangling by his knees and exposed thighs. But I knew he was demonstrating the loose fitted, and exposing tank, generously showing off his contoured arms and chest through the gaps of fabric. That is, if I look past the big, golden bubble letters that reads "BIRTHDAY KING".

"You're ridiculous," I mumbled, walking towards him. "Mind telling me why you chose to go to a prison for your birthday?" I looked up to him with big, wide brown eyes.

"Consider it a glimpse into the future," he teased, joining my side as we ventured through the hallway of cells. He  assured, "no, but I've always wanted to go. How cool is this? A famous prison on an island."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐚𝐝 𝐁𝐨𝐲'𝐬 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐢𝐩𝐥𝐞Where stories live. Discover now