30 | 𝐷𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝐷𝑜 𝐷𝑟𝑢𝑔𝑠, 𝐾𝑖𝑑𝑠

678 26 11

"Put your back into it and go harder!" I demanded, a sweaty hairline forming below my carmel locks.

He moaned out, "if only the context is what it sounds like."

"Stop talking and go harder!" I scolded in a forceful tone. "I'm doing all the work here."

"We're riding a two person bike, Azariah!" he screamed at me from behind. "There is only so much I can do--Watch where you're going!" he frightened.

I swerved the bike away from a Honda Civic as we weaved through traffic on an incline. Blurs of San Francisco color going by me in one quick motion. My breath hastened while I felt my body gravitate out of the seat, my hands clutching onto the handles turning red and sweaty.

Victor groaned from behind me, his laboring breathing in my ear. "I told you, I should've been the one up font--but, no--" he exaggerated.

I groaned, my calves burning in agony as I rolled the pedals harder. Bright crimson reds and the distant navy blue waters in my sight. We were flying down the hill as the bike's handlebars yearned to spin out of control. My elbows were pointed to the sky as I fought with them to keep straight, sustaining from hitting any cars. "I'm trying here! And for your information--" I screamed alongside the traffic, "I am an independent womaaaaan!!!"

We hit the pavement next to the highway just as an old man was starting to cross the intersection when he stopped in his tracks, facing death, or Victor and I. The two-person-bike drove full speed at him. I swiftly threw the handlebars in the opposing direction, dodging the elder man and peddled harder forward, the after shock buzzing through me as my hair swatted against my eyes vigorously.

"I almost killed someone," I said, yelling again more violently, "I almost killed someone!" I swiftly glanced behind me to see Victor hunched over the handlebars, his skin tainted green.

"Make that two people," he uttered sickly, his eyes flashed up to my sympathetic ones before he leapt up in realization. "Watch where you're going!" He threw his hand off the handlebars in my general direction as I snapped forward and saw we were speeding full force towards a black and white spotted skunk, standing in the middle of where the bike was heading.

Victor shouted behind me, "skunk!"

Just in unison with its tail raising as the bike flew through the fog machine of spray. The smell engulfed us as the cloud enclasped my mouth and clothes. I released an ear piercing cry, my tongue scraping against my mouth as the rotten, aged egg smell pulsasted within and outside of me. "I can't see!" I cried out.

Victor shook my shoulders. "Car!"

I blinked open my eyes, seeing a bigger blur of everything in a cloudy haze as I veered the bike out of the way. "What is a skunk even doing in the middle of the road!?" I whined.

"It's California!" He shouted towards me, "they have everything!" He let out one long high-pitched scream as I drove off the highway, smacking the wheel against the curb of the sidewalk and flying passed it. The pebbled sidewalk made the wheels vibrate as we trembled and bounced atop the seat mount. The palms of my hands were getting tickled by the rubber of the handles as we repetitively rebounded against the rock-imbedded sidewalk.

"Person!" Victor deadpanned, pointing to a person bounding around the corner as we propelled towards them. Within seconds, behind the person came a hoard of people barreling around the corner wearing the same outfits and a piece of paper attached to their chests. 

"Not person!" I shouted. "Joggers!" My eyes widened as we steered at them like they were bowling pins.

"They're people too, Azriah Kellmen!" he reprimanded as they unfolded, spreading a straight line that allowed us to project through. 

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐚𝐝 𝐁𝐨𝐲'𝐬 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐢𝐩𝐥𝐞Where stories live. Discover now