29 | 𝑃𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑠𝑠

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I was scoping out the aisles, ambling my way through them as Keiona made suggestions in my ear. "Does he like cars?" she suggested.

"To be honest..." I started, "I don't know." I pursed my lips while we walked through the Six and Below store as we passed by the colorful display of candy. I stopped in my tracks and pointed my finger while scanning the brands.

"What candy does he like?" she wondered, stopping at my side.

"Chocolate," I voiced. "Nothing sour." I plucked out the chocolates that I thought he'd like, and found ones shaped like little kayaks and I thought that was funny. I tossed it into the silver basket with the handle on Keiona's elbow.

I looked up to Keiona as she motioned to the milks. "I need creamer." She waltzed to the fogged up glass and yanked open the door, crouching down and grabbing the one she needed. "So, why do you seem so down lately?"

"I'm not down," I retorted defensively, crossing my arms. "I am so happy. What could be better than this? I'm hanging out with you, at Six and Below, going on a vacation for winter break, and practically dating my crush," I exaggerated with a grin. "Nothing can be better than this."

The freezer door closed, sealing the gush of cold air inside as Keiona stood weakly, situating the creamer in the basket. She looked down on me with a softness to her eyes. "Riyah, you seem... sad--"

"Fine," I gave in, throwing my arms up by my head. "For some strange reason when Sullivan kissed me, Victor saw and he looked... sadder... like I did something wrong." 

"Ooh," she released with a hum. "Someone's catching feelings--"

"Puh-lease." I scoffed. "I see him with a new girl by the hour." I rolled my eyes and strolled to the next aisle.

"Riyah," Keiona scolded, her heels clapping the tile behind me. "Is that his sweatshirt--"

"Shut up," I spasmed, looking over my shoulder. "It's cold and you know that saying, you have to pretend to become someone by wearing their shoes to know what they're thinking?" I ramble, "well this is basically the same thing."

"You're strange," she muttered lightly, smacking her lips and raising a hand towards me. "Put the coloring book down--"

"I'm looking... for Victor." I quickly slapped the coloring book down on the shelf and continued to hurry to the opposing side. "I don't know anything about him except that he likes candy and Billy Joel--"

"You're in luck," Keiona said from behind me. She picked up a bobble head and sure enough there was Billy Joel at the piano. I smiled gleefully and nodded.

"Perfect--and oh my God, look!" I pointed to a bobble head in the far back with brown hair and big hazel eyes. "She looks just like me." I paused and grabbed another one, a bobble head with a leather jacket, black hair, and sunglasses. "And this looks like Victor! I'll get all three!"

"Oh my goodness," Keiona breathed. 

"But look, now it's like Vicky and I going to a Billy Joel concert," I described, smiling brightly towards Keiona as I situated the bobble heads a certain way. 

"I almost slept with him a long time ago," she reminded, "and I don't think he's the type of person who would have a display of bobble heads in his room." 

"Well, I think it'll cheer him up--oh, and balloons!" I zipped to the opposite end of the aisle, grabbed a box of cake mix, candles, a plastic bag of balloons, and streamers. While overlooking the shelves stacked with plastic things concerning birthdays, I picked up plates and lastly, party hats because I found them cute.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐚𝐝 𝐁𝐨𝐲'𝐬 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐢𝐩𝐥𝐞Where stories live. Discover now