15 | 𝑇ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑖𝑠 𝐻𝑜𝑤 𝐼 𝐷𝑖𝑒

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I've talked it over with Sullivan, we were planning on working on our project every Friday, then Victor helps me whenever I need, and I help him Saturdays. Basically, the two guys I never expected to have relations with, were both meeting me back to back.

Kayla, Jay, and I were at lunch, picking out of the container of fries we shared. We weren't big lunch people, having said that our period was fourth. 

Who eats lunch at ten in the morning? Beats me!

Of course I told Kayla about Vicky coming over for Thanksgiving. That'd be rude if I didn't. She was annoyed at first, eventually she'd gotten over it. Jay on the other hand played a fun game of rooting for different 'teams' as he'd like to call it. Sometimes he'd make it apparent it's 'Team Sully and Azariah' meanwhile other times it's 'Team Azariah and Victor.' While being vise versa for Kayla as well.

"So, I'm thinking," Jay started, toying with a fry in the red and white checkered paper basket centered on the table.

Kayla shook her head timidly. "This can't be a good thing."

I chuckled lightly, urging for him to continue. He smiled dimly towards Kayla and said, "I'm thinking we should all try out for--"

"No," Kayla uttered.

"For Vulpine Union," he concluded strongly. "I think we should do something this senior year and the community service club is the best place to start---"

"I've never heard of this club," Kayla grumbled, her head in her hands.

I agreed with minimal head nods as Jay raised his tone, arguing, "It exists! You know, it's run by the Chinese Mandarin teacher---"

"Since when did we have a Chinese Mandarin class?" Kayla rebuked, her eyebrows stitched to her hairline in a passive aggressive manner. "What do you have us doing?"

I shrugged lightly, egging him to continue with a beckoning gesture my head made. Jay nodded curtly and replied, "First of all, he also teaches French. Secondly, he runs the club and--"

"Hey, Jay," called a girl at the head of the table. Her shadow lingered over our food as she tucked a thin, flattened strand of fire-red hair behind the shell of her ear. Black, circle rimmed glasses rested on the bridge of her nose, hiding the starry night of freckles on her cheeks. 

He straightened, drawing his legs over the bench and smiling giddily. "Hey, Penn," he greeted.

She smiled, folding her pink glossed lips into her mouth. "I have the Vulpine Union sign-in sheet, it's due in a few hours--"

"Of course," he mused.

Kayla shot me the look.

I shot it back. 

She placed down the clipboard with a string wrapped around the metal handle, attaching a pen. The series of lines had only two occupants.

I looked up at the girl who started to smile towards Kayla and I. "Are you both doing it too?" she asked happily, her pink tinted lips in a loose grin. "We need all the people we can get this year."

I studied Jay as he eagerly wrote his name on the line. Hesitantly, I inquired, "What is it... exactly?"

Her eyes were flickering towards the lunch table, a bit nervous. "Vulpine Union is an organization whose goal is to help and strive to make the world a better place. We start small in the beginning, but at the end of the school year, we take a road trip!" she exclaimed lightly.

Kayla shrugged, watching as Jaydon slid over the clipboard. She looked at it, then nodded. "I'll join. I got nothing else to do," she joked softly, scribbling her name on it. "What's your name again?"

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐚𝐝 𝐁𝐨𝐲'𝐬 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐢𝐩𝐥𝐞Where stories live. Discover now