53 | 𝐷𝑜𝑤𝑛𝑡𝑜𝑤𝑛 𝐺𝑖𝑟𝑙

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"What do you think about it?" Sullivan questioned towards me abruptly. Last I heard, it was something about the recent basketball game. I jumped a little, startled at the sudden inquiry, but shrugged and turned back to the pit of people. Strobe lights decorated his face, flaring streaks of light over his smile. He was twirling Olivia before passing her over to her boyfriend, then joining Kayla and Gonzalo.

"Want a sip?" Wolfie wondered towards me, revealing a hidden flask beneath his coat jacket. After shaking my head, he pressed it out further to me. "You sure? I think you could use a bit of liquid courage."

Sullivan nudged my shoulder, he dipped in and I expected his kiss, but he leaned into my ear and murmured, "put a smile on, will ya? You're embarrassing me." He spoke through gritted teeth and his breath was cold. I shuddered instinctually, folding my arms over my chest when I caught Sam studying the dip in the heart neckline.

I felt something in my chest grow harder when I overheard the screams of excitement, particularly Keiona's, when Cha Cha Slide began to rip through the speakers. The DJ at the front of Fox Point High's gymnasium was beginning to pump his fist and heighten the crowds already capacity filled excitement. I wanted to go up and join the rows that began to form, but I was stuffed in the corner of the school up against the blue mats lining the interior walls.

I enjoyed watching all my friends and their happy smiles when suddenly his mouth was on mine. I tried to stay still, squeeze my eyes shut, and enjoy it for what it was. He was holding his flask in one hand, Wolfie's and Sam's lingering stares were blatantly there, and the Cha Cha Slide was increasing in volume. I didn't know how I kept kissing him, because mentally, I was still watching Victor dance, his tux straining with each fast-paced dance move which he'd done humorously.

Sullivan drifted away from me. "Why aren't you kissing back?"

Fuck. Why wasn't I?

"I'm sorry---I, well--are you sure you don't want to dance?" I interrogated with a sliver of hope in my voice. Something felt wrong about the way he looked at me and I really wish it didn't.

"I already told you, Riyah," he mumbled curtly, taking a thick swig of his drink. "I don't fucking dance." He was already vanishing into the crowd before I could blink and whereas on a regular day, I'd go and chase him, I'd freak out because I was determined to keep his eyes on me the entire night, I'd lost all energy. Eventually, I would go over and find him, maybe even try to get him to dance later, but at that moment I was squirming my way through elbows popping out unexpectedly and dresses swinging out to make me trip. I wound up getting far to the double doors until a staff member opened them for me.

I took a prolonged inhale of vacant air when I found myself in the hallways. It felt so strange being at school for a reason other than education, it was so quiet and eerie. Distantly, I heard girls laughing and gossiping, the chatter of staff members amidst it. There were so many expressions of voices that I found myself to be an outcast. I wasn't going to the bathroom with friends, I wasn't making-out like the couple who was approaching the janitor's closet were---in fact, I wandered my way to the bathroom with the trail of my purple dress following. The petals were splattered against my chest and flurried to the bottom.

When I saw it fully in the mirror, I only frowned harder.

I look like a grape.

I pivoted away because I couldn't stare at my reflection any longer. The stall door opened and I saw Amanda walk out. Her dress was a mermaid fit and I noticed hot pink lipstick accent. She looked at me brutally. "What are you staring at?"

"Not my dress," I grumbled.

Her eyes softened. "I think it looks great." She turned the faucet on with a squeal and a vigorous splash of water emptied.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐚𝐝 𝐁𝐨𝐲'𝐬 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐢𝐩𝐥𝐞Where stories live. Discover now