17 | 𝐻𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝐵𝑜𝑦𝑠

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It's the initial shock that could startle anyone.

When I watched Kayla and Jay react to Moose, they were more confused. They'd stare, cock their head slowly, and then continued to stare. The dog stood on my bed, two eyes on two opposite sides of his head and two fang teeth sticking out.

"It's... cute," Kayla murmured.

Jay nodded eagerly, gesturing a hand to the thing. "Adorable," he choked out, swallowing thickly.

After a while, his expression could grow on a person. He was actually sweet looking. I even think my mom found it smile-worthy when I was getting ready to ride with Kayla to school. I saw her sitting on the living room couch just staring at him. Though she kept trying to get both of his eyes to focus on her.

It didn't work.

Later on Friday, she slammed her locker door closed. Turning to me in seconds. "I can't believe you got a dog for Sullivan Corbett--"

"Not true," I remarked, "I did it because of Sullivan Corbett. What was I supposed to do? Tell him the truth?" I questioned like it was absurd. We started walking down the hallway. Her eyes training the tiles we rhythmically marched along.

"Oh, I don't know," she sarcastically muttered. "How about you just don't lie."

"It's not like that," I mused ironically, shaking my head and disappearing into the English classroom. "I wish it was that easy, but I'm going to return the dog--"

"That's rude," she uttered, continuing to suppress the middle row and find a seat in the far corner. I sat down in my usual assigned spot when suddenly a hand slammed against my desk, causing me to jolt. His other hand grabbed onto my chin, forcing me to look at him directly in the eyes. I could feel a swarm of butterflies control every part of me.

"Compliment him when he seats down. Be direct, be confident, be flirtatious." Victor dropped his hand causing mine to reflex around the small of his wrist.

"What are you talking about?" I questioned, lowering my tone and adding, "how do I be flirtatious?"

"I don't know, bite your lip or something!" he exclaimed quietly. At the order, my teeth snapped to my bottom lip, causing him to shake his head frantically in fear. "Bite, not engulf," he muttered shamefully. "Just... casual."

"Casual," I repeated, nodding my head. I tilted my chin up and gnawed tentatively on my lip in a 'seductive manor.'

"Oh, God, no!" he hurriedly turned down. "Try... twirling your hair?" he suggested, studying me the way that Kayla and Jay studied Moose.

I started to twist my finger repetitively around the single strand of hair whilst biting my lip. He held his hands up in surrender, stopping me. "Just, try being you?"

"I don't know how to be me!" I called over a few heads of students while Victor sauntered to his desk, glaring at some kid in the process.

When Sullivan walked through the door I felt the golden rays of sun follow after him. Life seemed to be in a time warp when he walked in the room. Everyone was dazed and walking in slow steps. His honey blond hair blowing in the wind. His sharp jawline cut through my mind, and instantly I forgot what Victor had said. He seated himself in front of me, due to the new seating arrangement where we had to sit near our partners.

I inhaled sharply, his strong smell of... a bit of sweat, underlying with deodorant fumes. He smelt like him though, and that was enough to make my heart pitter patter in my chest.

I was just continuing to stare at the pale complexion, glowing beneath his hairline along his neck when I heard a hiss across the back of the room. I saw Victor gesturing to Sullivan and I nodded in conclusion.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐚𝐝 𝐁𝐨𝐲'𝐬 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐢𝐩𝐥𝐞Where stories live. Discover now