21 | 𝑊𝑒'𝑟𝑒 𝑁𝑜𝑡 𝐽𝑒𝑤𝑖𝑠ℎ

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It felt as though the music grew louder and my common sense dwindled in time with it. I'd never felt so lost in a mixture of chaos that when Keiona jerked my hand forward, I swore it was Kayla, feeling a strange sense of Deja Vu from the first party I ended up at when I met Victor. 

She sashayed me to the awning of Sullivan's house and then walked alongside me. She wore a dark purple body con and as for me, stuck to the simplistic black jeans and pink crop top.

"Come on, this will be great. We'll have a couple of drinks-- Jaydon Bach!" she interrupted, releasing her grip on me and hurrying to the far side of the hallway. She embraced him in a tight hug.

"You two know each other?" I dumbly wondered, trading weird looks between them.

Jaydon laughed, shaking his head fluently with his thoughts before saying, "POSC, an organization protecting stray cats."

She turned to me with a gleaming smile and said, "I love cats. What about you?"

I shrugged lightheartedly and declared, "more of a dog person." 

I was afraid to admit to Keiona that I scavenged for a dog as a result of a lie to Sullivan. In all honesty, that conversation would most definitely end with her killing me from stupidity. Strangely, Keiona was dramatic all the time, yet failed to overreact. 

"Come on, let's get some drinks. I love this house."

Keiona, Jay, and I maneuvered through the house towards the bar end of the kitchen where we leaned atop the ledge and downed two shots. The burn tickled my throat for a second, but it didn't last any longer than that.

I downed a slightly mixed drink--I know, never a good idea, but I did it anyway, and did not regret it---while preparing to regret it in the coming morning. Kayla and I would usually part ways, but being that I wasn't fully aware of where Kayla was, left with confusion. I started for the crowd, an almost empty cup in hand. 

"Where are you going?" Keiona hollered. Her voice stood out amongst the reverberating bass and contagious haziness within the groups to follow me. 

"I--uhh..." My voice trailed, but my mind focused on one particular person, Victor Vislocky, and the only thing I wanted to do was talk to him after our rather displeasing texts the day before. I didn't know how I felt about the whole, fleeing Wyoming to Montana with someone I only know minimally. He seemed more okay about the situation than I ever did. Nevertheless, my hormones were as chaotic as the frenzying party and I was in need of a new tampon. 

Luckily my purse carried one extra and a chapstick with a few dollars, but that was all I had, no common sense or good lies found.

"I need to... have sex with some guy. Super horny--gotta go!" I quickly dashed away, even before Jay could question my sanity.

I dipped into an empty bedroom and sealed the door closed right after me to fix myself up and breathe; or so I thought I could get a break from it all. The room was not empty. "Riyah!" a girl screamed.

I pivoted to the bed and my eyes grew wider than imaginable. I could quite literally feel my heart pause, throbbing and aching in my chest as if it had felt out of place. The burning sensation in my eyes scorched down my skull, the pulsating feeling of a migraine taking place, and being on my period, did not help the fact of how devastated I was. "Kayla?"

The scene was there, all in its horrifying glory. I had nothing in me but the everlasting stare. She was straddling a shirtless, Sullivan Corbett.

Kayla leapt off, wearing nothing but her skirt and bra. "Riyah, I can explain--" she began, but I was already turning out of the room. I saw too much.

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