45 | 𝐻𝑒𝑙𝑝𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎 𝐹𝑢𝑔𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒

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"You broke me."

"I know."

"No, you actually hurt me," he said, his eyes sad.

"I know." My hands gripped the bars tight and I pressed my forehead up against the cold metal. "Please, Vicky. I will pay you back, but I can't call my mom right now. You know how she could be--" My voice got cut off by his sharp and reprimanding tone that sent a series of chills down my spine. He was upset with me, I saw it in his eyes and the way that he looked at me.

"You fucking messed up and that is not my fault. You ask your boy toy to get you out," he uttered under his breath. He gave one wave of his hand before beginning to exit out of the station.

"No! Wait! Vicky!" I was rattling my bracelet up against the metal, hoping to get his attention, and when he pivoted towards me, his eyes were angry and cold.

Shit, I really messed up this time.

He shook his head, approaching me more steadily and tauntingly now. "Listen, Azariah, I am glad you are happy but you made a promise to me, and like everybody in my life you fucking broke it." His voice was curt and somewhat guilty as if he'd caused it. "I'm sorry," he intercepted his apology with, "I can't help you."

"What about me?" Sam shouted from the far end of the box, clutching a clump of paper towels to his bloody nose. He was still drunk and practically sitting on top of Wolfie who was nearly asleep.

My voice was pitchy and filled the station. "I can't call anyone I know because--"

"Because why?" he urged.

"I don't know their phone numbers, and my mom would absolutely obliterate me." I was squeezing the frigid metal tight in my clammy hands. Begging with my eyes, but he was quietly shaking his head. "Vicky--"

"No, Azariah."

"Damn, I thought you said he'd save us," remarked Gonzalo with a giant wave of his arm. He was dramatically trying to get Victor's attention. "You liar!"

"Pipe down, new boy," some old man shouted in the corner. His gruff beard was in the way of his words and he sounded sleep deprived. I quickly surveyed the group of teenagers who got arrested, Olivia being one of them. Luckily Rowan and Keiona were able to escape, but I wished I had as well.

Victor studied the man, then everyone inside, some were seated on the floor. I, like many of them, remained seatless, and for some strange reason, I saw Victor's eyes linger on me, licking his cracked lips as he shook his head for a finalized motion. "I'm calling Corbett for you and he can come get you."

"That wouldn't be possible," I called to him as Victor started down the station to get some privacy to make a call. He slowed his steps, halting and glancing over his shoulder. "Sullivan left the party as I was getting arrested." I lowered my voice. "I don't think he's coming back for me. He's also really drunk so that's probably why."

Victor blinked a few times, then stressfully ruffled his black hair. "Keiona and Jay?" he egged on.

"Jay is on a date with Penelope and Keiona ran off with Rowan somewhere. She said her phone died." I released the bars reluctantly, beckoning for him to go. "It's fine, I shouldn't have worried you." I was walking over to Olivia to sit by her legs when a middle aged man whistled, tapping the bar next to the one he was leaned against.

"Come here, Doll. You look fucking stunning in that dress. Bet you made some guy happy tonight," he complimented, though I ignored him, Victor slammed his forearm along the metal, sending a ripple effect to jostle everyone in the cell.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐚𝐝 𝐁𝐨𝐲'𝐬 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐢𝐩𝐥𝐞Where stories live. Discover now