37 | 𝐵𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑗𝑜𝑏 𝐹𝑎𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑐

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Oh, no--please, please, please--this can't be happening.

In all its glory on my navy blue locker was an oh-so-real graffitied dick with a cloudy text-box in white displaying the words,'Want a taste?'

My heart sped harder against the threshold of my ribs and all what I wanted was for Victor to hold me and beat a bitch, but instead, Wolfpack and his best friend, Sam, stood behind me with ridiculous smiles. They were thrusting their bodies clad in clothing, towards me.

"Wanna taste? I heard you're making your rounds, Kellman!" Wolfie teased. A crowd began to formulate, encircling my locker and I.

His best friend, Sam, added, "yeah! What he said! He is spitting facts! You hear that? Yeah, Wolfie talks truth--"

"Okay, she gets it," Wolfie spat, offended. 

I stared at the dick, then at the living dicks in front of me. "You know what." I propped my hands on my waist and said, "thanks for decorating my locker, Boys." I twisted my combo in, grabbed my books then slammed it shut. As I walked, word must've spread like a rapid forest fire and the smoke was filling my chest to the capacity. I didn't want to allow that to get to me and I think I played it off cool. It happens, it's the circle of life! I shouldn't be ashamed. Right?

I marched through the hallways when Rowan joined my side. "Hey, I heard what happened?"

"Which part?" I chuckled to myself, combing a hand through my hair stressfully. "I don't care."

"Are you sure you're alright? I could give you a ride? Wait. Now that Kayla isn't giving you rides--"

"I walk," I told him with a shrug. "It's alright though." I assuringly nodded as Wilson, the high school perv, walked over to me, opening his mouth to speak, but I just held up the palm of my hand. "Not today, Wilson. Not today."

"How many of those are you gonna get?" Rowan meekly questioned, a worrying glance in his eyes.

"No, I think that's it," I told him, but I was mistaken. The minute I entered the cafeteria, laughter chorused and people pointed. A jock popped up from the tables.

"Hungry for some dick, Kellman?"

"You're hot, why haven't I noticed you before."

"You're too quiet, bet that's different if we're alone--"

"Oh, guys. Leave her alone," announced a popular girl from our grade who I remembered seeing kiss Victor in the cafeteria before--the day I slapped him, for the first time, and we got Moose.

Good times. 

She was walking over to Rowan and I, giving us a generous smile as she explained, "look, I know it could be hard for you. Especially with all this manhandling you're doing. Bouncing between Victor and Sullivan and then back and back again--"

"Just get outta here," Rowan deadpanned, waving his hand.

"Yeah, okay, Patty." She rolled her eyes, retreating to the table and seating herself beside her boyfriend, Wolfie. They made just an incredibly good couple. Yet, there were far from opposites, in fact, they were too alike.

Rowan looked at me as if to ask what to do, but I gave one nod and sauntered over to a table of testosterone. They were all going hysterical, laughing and checking me out, but the one at the end caught my attention.

"What did you do?" I charged, crossing my arms over my chest. A series of 'oohs' and excitement loomed above their heads.

"Damn, you're in it for real," one chimed in.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐚𝐝 𝐁𝐨𝐲'𝐬 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐢𝐩𝐥𝐞Where stories live. Discover now