33 | 𝑁𝑜 𝐺𝑖𝑟𝑙'𝑠 𝐴𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑑

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2019, seventeen years old, a soon to be adult with so much ahead and I had everything I could want. A crush who could actually reciprocate my feelings, Keiona and Jay--my two best friends, a school club, good grades, and was about to demonstrate a presentation that Sullivan and I were doing, yet I felt off.

"Makeup isn't gonna make a smile," Keiona voiced behind me. "Come on, you look beautiful. What are you so worried about?" she inquired. Her arms drooped over my shoulders from behind. "This is about Victor, isn't it?"

"I mean..." I started sheepishly. "It isn't not about Victor."

"Girl," she began sympathetically, "you gotta loosen up."

I writhed out of her grip and pivoted to face her. "I don't know, it's like a coach who trained me for the moment of winning the race, but the second that I make it to the finish line, he just... disappeared. Do I still win if the one person who got me to win isn't there?" I retorted with outstretched arms.

"Yes!" She sighed heavily. "Riyah, you are aware that you aren't dating Sullivan yet, not to mention that Victor only needs a break. No where in there did he say you guys couldn't be friends again." She flattened my hair out before leaning over me and grabbing at an eyeshadow palette and brush set, beckoning her head for me to sit, which I did.

"I don't know," I crooned, propping myself on my bar stool next to my vanity. "You should've heard him." Nonetheless, he still decidedly ignored me the whole way back after cutting the trip short, and even after my texts, still hadn't responded. It was bothering me, worse than when I was invisible to Sullivan and that was saying something, but I didn't know why exactly... maybe we're just good friends. 

"Yeah, I bet he sounded pissed off, confused, and hurt, I'd be too," Keiona rambled. "Now, close your eyes." She motioned to my expression as I weakly fluttered my eyes closed for her to darken the pigment. "He's figuring things out." She started to dust the brush over my eyelid before she wondered, "will I ever know what exactly he's trying to figure out?"

"Just..." My voice cut off. "Things about his past."

"Exactly though." Keiona started to maneuver to the left eye, dusting the brush more fluidly as she added, "you being involved is saying something. How was your Christmas?" I was startled by the change of topic so quickly, but nodded. Without warning, she scolded, "don't move."

When I opened my eyes and looked in the mirror, I smiled faintly, the plum color popped on my mouth, my eyes smoky brown with gold and pink sparkles near the corner. I looked alright.

As if reading my thoughts, she corrected, "you look beautiful." She crouched down to stare at my reflection in the mirror from my level. "And Sullivan, Victor, and whoever else, Jay for Christ sakes, they will all love it." She giggled, making me spin in the chair and push her playfully away.

"What about you?"

"What about me?" She still had a grin on her face as she spoke.

I rolled my eyes, distancing and towards my bag left on my bed with minuscule items sprawled, and unfortunately, a gum wrapper from San Francisco, some peanut bags from the plane ride, and of course... a polaroid photo.


"Victor!" I whisper-yelled, throwing my head one way then the other, but the hotel was a maze of discoveries. I'd just about become out of breath from jogging up two flights of stairs and still missing him. "Vicky!"

I hurried to the banister outlining the second floor and peered over to the first floor below. The chandelier sparkled a disco of tiny specks of lights and I admired the maroon rug with brass detailing. I neared the staircase and rested my hand on the banister, slowly creeping down the stairs, hearing what sounded like my voice. It was muted, but my laughter was sharp and the sound of his chortles met mine.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐚𝐝 𝐁𝐨𝐲'𝐬 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐢𝐩𝐥𝐞Where stories live. Discover now