05 | 𝑁𝑜𝑡 𝑀𝑦 𝑁𝑎𝑚𝑒

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If only Victor Vislocky was in school that day.

I would've told him everything, threw his clothes at him and scolded him for giving me such shit advice, but that's when it all hit me like a truck, I still have his clothes stuffed into my backpack.

Without looking too suspicious, I retreated and shoved them into my locker hoping no one would notice, I mean, it could've been just my clothes, but you never know with girls who have crushes. I especially didn't want to give anyone the wrong idea.

"Why are you stuffing Victor's clothes into your locker?"

I convulsed, a few curses slipping free along with, "Jesus Christ! Are you trying to give me a heart attack or something?" I spat out, spinning around to Kayla who glanced over my shoulder, unperturbed by my yelling. "He's not in school today--"

"I know," she murmured tiredly, dramatically. "I don't understand how he can pass these classes if he keeps ditching, but he's in my first period and he was there this morning. You should've seen him, he looked so hot. He wore my favorite leather jacket of his with the red patch on the shoulder--"

"Are you done?" I chimed in, but her eyes widened in horror.

"I have to hear you talking about Liv twenty-four-seven, give me a few moments of fame, will ya?" she rambled and I nodded my head in understanding. She was right. I did usually talk about Liv way more than she talked about Victor, but to be honest, she never really liked talking about her crush in public places, let alone the locker banks at school.

"Go on?" I urged, but she spitefully folded her arms over her chest and pursed her lips.

"I was done anyway," she sassed, fixing her backpack strap along her dress.

I actually really liked her outfit today. She loved the autumn and always dressed to match the season. She wore a purple-brown square neckline dress with skinny straps veiled by a crocheted ivory sweater, and her tall brown leather boots to match.

Her style was way better than mine, but I was okay with that--I sometimes borrowed her clothes and I knew I would probably borrow those boots, because in my defense, I gazed down to her necklace and recognized it immediately.

"I see you know fashion," I remarked subtly, beckoning my head to her exposed collarbone.

She chuckled, shooting me a hopeful grimace. "Sorry?" she questioned optimistically, but laughed it off. "I liked it and it looks really nice with this outfit!" she justified and I shrugged carelessly.

She was right. 

It did.

"Fine," I gave in with a smile. "I'll let this one slide. Do you know when Victor will be back?"

"How would I know?" Kayla quirked a brow, and I nodded immediately, but at the same time, she had a way about knowing everyone's business (in a good way... kind of).

"I mean," she started, "He's been out for the past week, five days to be exact, but he was at the party? Maybe he's just ditching, like I said?" Off topic, she breathed admirably, "oh, I just wish he could ditch school with me already." She paused, tilting her head. "Imagine that?"

"Imagine what?" I inquired dumbly, facing the blue metal door and closing it gently, but that didn't stop the vibrating metal from coursing through the bank. "Getting in trouble for ditching and doing what..?"

"I don't know, whatever bad boys do when they ditch," she replied, caging a book in her arms as we walked. She never had enough room in that big backpack of hers for her novels, but I always enjoyed seeing the cover. Everyday in school she always came back with a new book.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐚𝐝 𝐁𝐨𝐲'𝐬 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐢𝐩𝐥𝐞Where stories live. Discover now