50 | 𝐺𝑒𝑡 𝑎 𝑁𝑒𝑤 𝐷𝑖𝑐𝑘

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My hand rapped forcefully against the surface four times.

"How did I know it was you?" he asked, but I ignored him and pushed past his shoulder.

"I'm so confused," I uttered, walking through his dark, ominous room, an obscure night lamp guiding me to his bed in which laid a series of pencils and a notebook with his laptop. I navigated all the items to give me some room before I squeezed in and laid down, pulling up the covers and drowning myself in them.

"Confused about what? Where your room is located?" Victor approached me, narrowing at my hooded eyes. "What's wrong?" He sat himself by my feet, his hand running up my comforter clad legs.

"This was supposed to be easy, but it's not." I groaned into the pillow and squeezed my eyes shut.

Keiona disappeared from our room and I assumed Rowan went with her, luckily for me, that was the case, otherwise things would be a little awkward. I stated, "clothes can't make someone love you." I sat upright, his hand still lingering before my eyes shot down to the laptop. "It's three in the morning, what are you doing up?"

"I ask the same to you," he probed, an eyebrow levitating to his hairline conspicuously.

I sighed and situated my hands in a clasp on my lap. "Well, first I was with Sullivan and then I was in pain, but that was normal sex stuff, sorry, T.M.I, and then my thoughts kept me up, plus online shopping. I bought a prom dress." My voice fell to the pit of my gut. "Sullivan texted it to me. It's purple."

"You hate purple?" Victor recalled making me smile.

"I did, maybe things will change." I shot my eyes to his laptop. "Now you." The screen had turned off and it was just my reflection staring back at me dimly. Pencils littered his bed and when I read over the notebook page, I saw Valetino's name.

"Well, I was doing some research, and after what my mom said, Valentino's dad lives in Florida, but when I called his wife, she said that he's currently in Washington for some business trip--I don't know what he does. But this is perfect. I'm booking a flight right now, you wanna come?" He sounded somewhat happy, but I remembered that familiar excitement when we went to San Francisco.

"Vicky," I murmured, taking the laptop out of his hands and placing it beside us. It was the only blinding light that allowed me to see his expression clearly. "I don't know about all this. You know your brother isn't there. Why don't you just call the guy."

"Well," Victor intercepted, holding up his finger as he tilted the laptop towards him and typed something. "His wife mentioned that Valentino has contacted his father--which means, he's alive!" He was whisper-shouting, the enthrallment ridden in his irises. "I could almost feel his hugs again, Rhy. We're so close."

My heart warmed when he added 'we're' as if I was involved in this whole experience, beginning to end, but I blinked away my tears and assured, "Victor, I will help you, always, but how is seeing his father going to--"

"Cause I want to see the father of my brother, Rhy," he exhaled, his smile aching. "I have dreamed of this moment of finally getting somewhere and you gave me the final push to go out there. I wouldn't have left Wyoming alone, and I want you during every moment." His eyes fleeted over every part of my face. "You don't want to go," he stated, the realization dawning on him. 

"It's just--" I licked my lips.

"If money is an issue, we'll sort it out, I have been saving for these types of trips and you can pay me back in the future, I need you there," he expressed, virtually on the verge of tears as he spoke.

"No, it's not that... It's just... me in a relationship with Sullivan now means that I--"

He backed away. "This is about Corbett?" The way he spoke broke my heart, each crack in the letter shattered every thought that I had leading up to admitting my dilemma. "Look, if this about us practicing, I'll stay the fuck away from you just don't fucking leave me again!" He put his hands up in surrender, towering over me. 

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐚𝐝 𝐁𝐨𝐲'𝐬 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐢𝐩𝐥𝐞Where stories live. Discover now