42 | 𝐶𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑓𝑒𝑖𝑡 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒

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Nothing could explain the feeling of loathing I felt towards myself.

I was putrid, disgusting, horrible, and yet; I liked every bit of guilt it gave me. Tears were in my eyes at the faint thought of wrongdoing, but each pleasuring moan that came from my mouth made each spurt of regret vanish. I wanted to say "stop" and in fact, it was on the tip of my tongue, but I didn't desire to let it go. I didn't want to, because if I told him to stop, I'd be lying to myself thinking I could live another second without having this feeling.

The benumbing air slid over the curvature of my face as he murmured into me, "look down," he said, not talking about himself, but the obvious. As I tilted my head so I was peering over the edge of bricks, my back was against the cold stone and my eyes caught the sight of people walking the sidewalks this late at night, though lesser cars were on the road and the street lamps were the only bit of light aside from two stores. Just as I was getting comfortable overlooking the property, his velvet tongue brought me back to reality as he entered me, his hands clawing and massaging at my thighs.

Another flurry of heat decorated my cheeks as his tongue circled a wave of nerves inside of me. I thrusted my hips ever-so-slightly towards his explorative mouth and threw my head back up against the brick when my vision turned white and spotty. I curled my toes as he dug deeper and reached impossibly further until my moans grew louder and breathier. I couldn't bear the waves of continuous warmth, my skin was reddened and feverish with heat, but finalizing the tentative movements, he finished with a delicate flick of his tongue, sending me mentally over the edge of the rooftop, going tumbling to the ground as my arm clasped over my mouth. My limbs went into overdrive, trembling in shock at something incredibly exhilarating came over me.

I couldn't tell if I was on the verge of death, ready to run a marathon, take a nap for ages, or simply faint. When my vision somewhat returned, and my breath was better than what it used to be, I started to see him approach and plant himself right next to me on that rooftop, his back pressed to the wall of the ledge. The air seemed to roll over my body, cooling me off from the excitement as I squirmed and pulled up my jeans.

I swallowed, turning to him. "I never felt that before. Any of it."

"Mad that Corbett couldn't do it first?" Victor questioned me, but he wore a smug smile atop the dried blood on his lip that made me know he knew the answer.

"Let's just say, you made me feel things I didn't exactly want to feel at three fifty-eight in the morning," I jested after checking my phone, nudging into his side as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders, tugging me into his body. I melted into the cubby of warmth as I met his eyes. "Say it for me--"

"Practice purposes," he concluded gravelly. "When do you want me to take you home?" His fingertips drifted over my shoulder.


"You have to go home eventually, but believe me, I want to procrastinate that inevitability. We should go on a vacation together..." His tone trailed as the realization dawned on him. "With Corbett, of course," he finished sarcastically.

"Well, actually." I sat upright and smiled cutely. "We have a Vulpine Union field trip." I got happy and started to feel like myself after feeling like the only girl Victor has ever wanted to please. Of course I knew he made other girls feel the exact same things that he allowed me to explore, but my heart felt swollen with a rock-hard adjustment to this whole practice purpose thing. As disgusting as it made me feel knowing that I was hurting Sullivan, I felt... in better words, at home, selfishly

"Guess where it is?" I amped up. After seeing his shrug and grin, I released, "Canada! British Columbia to be exact," I elaborated. "Isn't that exciting?!" I threw my hands up and leapt from the seat, twirling in front of him. "Just imagine the possibilities! We get to go to a farm stand, festivals, bake sales, and I just--" My breath slipped from my containability. "Aren't you just as happy?"

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐚𝐝 𝐁𝐨𝐲'𝐬 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐢𝐩𝐥𝐞Where stories live. Discover now