Chapter 1

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It is a peaceful evening while Phil waited for Tubbo and Tommy to return from their journey. Tommy and Tubbo are top 35 and 36 players, respectively, and be quite respected, seeing they are no older than 12.

"I am going to the market, see if there are any regeneration potions left," Philza said as he readies his realistic-looking mechanical wings.

"Do you have any ingots with you?" Wilbur looked up from his guitar.

"Yea, I have a couple with me" Philza nodded.

"Well, be careful Phil, I don't want to know what Techno would do if you end up dead," Wilbur said jokingly.

Philza chuckles and said goodbye as he spread his mechanical wings and left. His fellow SBI members gave the mechanical wings to him. They said it was a "Welcome" and a token of accomplishment for him, made by them with the help of others, including the Dream Team, who deals with the mechanics.

As Philza soars through the sky, he looked upon the place he has come to call home. It's been a while since he returned to the non-immune community; he missed it.

"Where did Phil go?" Techno asks Wilbur.

"To the market, he wanted to buy regeneration potions," Wilbur informed.

"Did he have his gear with him, Wilbur?"


"His armor?"

"It's equipped."

"Does he have ingots with him?"

"Of course he does."

"Ah, okay then," Techno says as he went up to his room.

Philza soon landed in the market section and was greeted by a couple of people. As he looked around, he noticed someone familiar.

"Ah, Ranboo! Fancy meeting you here," Philza approached a tall figure.

"Hey Phil," Ranboo greeted the man.

"You good?" Philza asks as the two walked.

"Yea, other than the fact that the bite from that green-eyed endermen made me half endermen, I feel excellent," Ranboo said in a somewhat sarcastic tone.

"You have to thank Sam for saving your life back there," Phil chuckled.

"I have; I thanked him over a million times now," Ranboo sighed.

The two chatted as they walked and bought what they needed. The night soon falls, and silence once again blankets over the Player's Zone.

"Welcome back Phil, did you get the potions?" Wilbur greeted the winged man.

"Yeap, I did. Have Tommy and Tubbo returned?" Phil asks as he stores away the potions he got.

"Yeap. They're upstairs, playing," Wilbur chuckles.

"What about Techno? He had some errands to do, I believe" Philza chuckles.

"He's probably asleep by now. He bought a shit ton of potato, and I will never know why," Wilbur said.

Wilbur is the top 6 player; before the entire Dream Team went missing thing, of course, he's currently top 4, taking Sapnap's place. After a while, the two then retired to their rooms and slept.

While the SBI peacefully lives, the Dream Team doesn't seem to be having much of a fun time in a different dimension.

"Dream!!" both George and Sapnap shouted as the debris fall upon their friend.

After a wave of shock, they heard a cough on the top of the piled debris. The two looked up and saw a familiar figure...


That's it for chapter one! I hope y'alls enjoyed it. I am not exactly proud of it but I am not exactly sure how to start this off so hey, there ya go.

Anyways, tell me what you think of the first chapter, and I'll see you, later.

Yours truly,

(Alias StrlghtReadz)

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