Chapter 13

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Okay, okay, it's here like I have promised. Anyways, I won't make you wait, enjoy!


"Z...? Is it you again?" George called out.

"Who else, idiot," Z said, appearing midair.

"Wow, such a surprise," Sapnap said sarcastically.

Z rolled their eyes and had a talk with the trio. As they do, havoc unfolds in another universe.

"They beat us to it!" Leikann said, zipping away towards the wall at the sight of the beast titan and a wall of titans.

Alviar, knowing that the lives of his comrades are in grave danger, raised up his awareness even more. He knew something was going to go wrong but had never expected this. His mind then wandered off about how Dream would have handled this and thought back about the events 2 maybe 3 years ago.


"I heard that there are new players..."

"Really? I thought by now no one would've wanted to become a player."

"Right? It's shocking, and there are three of them, all no older than 13, I believe."

The news of 3 new players coming to the zone seems unbelievable. In the past 2 years, no new players have ever entered the zone, mainly because of one singular person. A dictator, a guy who established dominance above every other player, and no one dares to challenge him.

"Hey, Alv, guess who I came across today?" Yue, a friend of Alviar, called out.

Alviar turned around to see his friend smiling after what seems like ages. It has been a while since cheerfulness painted the Player Zone, so this is indeed surprising.

"The 3 new players," Yue said, taking a seat.

"Oh?" Alviar raised an eyebrow, curious, "Tell me about them."

"Well, they seemed like regular people at first glance. But when you clearly see them, you get this sense of security, ya know? I don't know how, but it feels like that," Yue thinks back to the moment he encountered what seemed like a new hope in this once beloved zone.

Alviar nodded as a part of him hopes that these three people can take down the dictator and put light into the zone they all love. It had almost seemed like his prayers have been answered unexpectedly. Just a week after news started spreading about these three, the dictator, Jschlatt, or Schlatt, called them to an old, unused arena.

"Seems like you three have gained the favourability of the citizens here in my zone. Only the strongest can stand in my ideology, and you three seem to just trot your way in and somehow made some of my people turn my back against me. How about this? We battle. You three against my men and I, if you win, I will step down, but you will serve me until your death if I win. Actually, scratch that, you can choose 2 other people to assist you, what do you think?" Jschlatt proposed.

Silence lingers as the three looked at each other and nodded. The masked kid then stood forward and spoke.

"We accept, but under three conditions. If these conditions do not comply...then I suppose we'll just continue to trot along "your land." Your choice," the kid said, putting up three fingers.

Jschlatt simply laughed and agreed to hear out the three conditions, so the kid laid it out.

"One, we are allowed to bring anything necessary: armor, tools, potions, food, and other things. Two, you are only allowed to bring 4 men with you, equalizing the numbers. Three, once killed, whoever died is out of the fight, the win goes to the team who has the last man standing."

Jschlatt gave it a little thought and agreed. And so, the date of this meet-up is set. Along those days, everyone was anxious. Apparently, Jschlatt had made it a rule to not help his opposing team at any cost necessary, even if it's just giving them food, but little does he know he was about to be brought down. The date of the battle soon came, and practically, every player that was there at the moment came to the same old arena to watch this play out.

The new players seemed to have brought 2 unfamiliar people, while Schlatt seemed to have brought his best men and weaponry. As the hour drew and drew closer, the team consisting of the new players seems to be out geared, seeing that the only type of weapons they brought are swords, axes, crossbows, and bows. There are potions, of course, but it will be no match for the guns Jschlatt has developed.

"Hey, Dream, are you sure we can defeat them?" George asked hesitantly, looking at the weaponry their opponents has.

"It'll be fine. All five of us have a weapon those guys don't, pure bloodlust. I have been paying attention to the people around us; no one seems to not have the ability to fully activate their bloodlust, including them. Seeing so, we should be able to take advantage of that and-"

"What about him? What if he comes out? This plan is dangerous, I tell you," Sapnap cuts Dream off.

The masked boy stayed quiet at this, knowing well what could happen if they go along with the plan, but he shook his head.

"No. I don't care if he comes out; I hate seeing what used to be one of the most cheerful zones in this place just...drained. Is that not why you agreed to team with us?" Dream looked towards his two companions.

The two figures stayed silent for a moment and nodded.

"That is true. But I'm mainly here to take down that guy over there," one answers.

"Well, I feel kinda bad for everyone here, and I really loved this place as a kid, and it's such a waste to just let it rot. So..."

Dream looks at Sapnap, his "gaze" signaling that there is no turning back when he agreed with the plan last night. As they chatter, Alviar started somewhat becoming uneasy.

"What's wrong, Alv?" Yue asked, noticing the uneasy expression.

"It's just that...those kids are going against the tyrant with what seemed like medieval weapons, at this point, they're just going to end up serving him, trying to save us," Alviar said worriedly.

"Don't be a pessimist, Alv. I already told you, those guys have something up their sleeves. I can feel it. Look, they don't even look worried," Yue pointed out.

Alviar simply nodded at this and sighed.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the hour has come for the match that many have been waiting for. Will the new players win, or will they meet their doom? Let's wait and find out. Let the games begin!"


Aaaand, that's it for this chapter. Sorry for my tardiness I'll be sure to be on time next week. Also, tell me your thoughts on the comments, as I would love to hear what you think ^^

With that said, I'll be taking my leave now, it's nearly 1AM and I have school. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day/evening/night.

Yours truly,


(Alias StrlghtReadz)

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