Chapter 11

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SORRY I AM INCREDIBLY LATE-- But anyways, thank you for your patience, here is chapter 11


"George!" Dream and Sapnap shouted as strings started flying towards the brunette, who skillfully dodged and cut through it.

Sighing in relief, the two realized that the fighter side of George is still there even after the whole event 2 nearly 3 years ago. Tanjiro managed to cut through Rui's head just a couple seconds ago, but it seems like Tanjiro was not quick enough, seeing that Rui managed to cut his head with his strings.

"You four are extremely annoying, you know that..." Rui said as he snapped more strings towards their way.

Skillfully dodging and cutting through the strings, they bought enough time for a particular reinforcement to arrive. A minute into the fight, a familiar male figure that they saw when the male saved Inosuke.

"You did a good job holding on until I came...leave the rest to me. As for you four, I have some questions," the guy said.

The trio and Nightmare then sighed in tiredness, knowing that this guy would handle Rui. The next thing they knew, Rui's head was cut off from his neck. As Rui's body disappeared, he approached Tanjiro and Nezuko, severely wounded on the ground. No one really knows why, but Tanjiro puts his hand on top of the demon's body as he disappears, and with that, Rui's reign had come to an end.

The trio then jumped down from the tree they were on, and Nightmare floated down. The guy then turned around to face the four and said;

"Who are you four? Especially that demon-like one," the guy said.

Sighing, the trio sheathed their swords, and Nightmare stepped on the ground, ready to explain.

"It's difficult to explain who exactly we are, but we can assure you we mean no harm and only wishes to help. On the other hand, Nightmare is not a human-eating demon and won't harm you unless necessary," Dream stepped up.

"What made him like that?"

"Night is an essence, a ghost if you will. He feeds off souls, but you don't have to worry. He's with me; Nightmare will not harm you as long as I am around," Dream explained.

The man said nothing and approached the injured Tanjiro and Nezuko. A conversation happened between the two, but the trio and Nightmare couldn't really hear what they're saying. Usually, it would have been easy enough, but they're not at their total capacity due to fatigue.

"Night, back in," Dream said out of the blue.

"But why?" Nightmare whined.

"You do know you separating from me depletes my energy, right? I only let you out because I knew three of us won't be enough to help Tanjiro handle Rui, especially with fatigue getting to us," Dream looked at his other half.

"Fair enough."

With that, Dream stood up straight, and Nightmare turned into a small light bulb which then went straight into Dream. Instantly, the masked teenager felt better. Even though Nightmare is technically a soul-eating essence and is mainly avoided, it doesn't change the fact that he has become Dream's other half. The two can't live without the other. The masked teen cannot live with half of his soul gone, and Nightmare cannot separate himself from Dream, or else his soul would dim out, and he will be nothing more but wind. Just then, they heard two swords collide.

"Oh?" a feminine voice said, "Why are you getting in the way, Tomioka-san?"

Looking towards Tomioka and Tanjiro, the trio spotted another figure.

"You said we can't get along with demons, but what's this all about? If you do this, everyone will come to hate you," the figure said in an annoyingly sweet voice.

Silence lingers for a moment before the female figure raised up her katana, pointing it towards Tomioka.

"Hey, is it possible that these two are Hashiras? That Tomioka guy being the water pillar, Giyuu Tomioka and the female one being the insect pillar, Shinobu Kocho," George recalled what Z had said.

"That guy who killed Rui is definitely Giyuu Tomioka; we heard his name. The other one is most indeed most likely named Shinobu Kocho, judging from her haori and hairpin," Dream said.

"Well, aren't you observant," Shinobu said out of the blue.

This immediately snapped the trio's attention towards Shinobu, who is still smiling.

"I am not sure how you knew...but I am Shinobu Kocho, the insect pillar. And judging from your attire, you are not from the Demon Slayer Corps," Shinobu pointed out.

The trio said nothing but nodded, signifying that Shinobu is correct; they are not from the Demon Slayer Corps, heck they're not even from this Nightmare of a world.

"I can read what you're saying. Not funny," Nightmare said out of nowhere.

"Please be quiet, Nightmare, and don't give me the whole we're just characters bullshit again," Dream snapped at the essence within him.

"Boy, you're protecting a demon. It's dangerous, so please get off her," Shinobu said, snapping the conversation between Dream and Nightmare.

"N...No!! Well, you're not wrong, but uh...she's my little sister...! That's why-"

"Is that so? What a pity...okay then," Shinobu said, again with her annoyingly sweet voice, "I'll kill her with sweet poison that won't cause pain."

Another small conversation was exchanged between Giyuu and Tanjiro, but this time, the trio heard it.

"...Take you sister and run," Giyuu said.


"You heard the man, let's get the fuck out of here," Sapnap said, swiftly picking up Tanjiro on his back while Dream grabbed Nezuko.

As the five ran, Tanjiro shouted thanks towards Giyuu. George then noticed a familiar box and grabbed it, knowing it belonged to Tanjiro and Nezuko. Realizing that Tanjiro is worriedly looking towards his sister, Sapnap reassured him.

"Don't worry about Nezuko; she's in good hands. Dream is more talented than you think he is."

As the five ran, another presence joined them and went straight for Dream, who managed to dodge and kept his balance. The chase went on for a bit until talking crows intervene.

"Restrain the ones named Tanjirou and Nezuko along with the four strangers, bring them back to headquarters!! Tanjirou, a demon name Nezuko, and four unnamed strangers! Restrain them and bring them back to headquarters!! Tanjirou has a scar on his forehead! The demon Nezuko is biting on a piece of bamboo! The four strangers are using noticeably odd clothing!!"

With that, the chase stooped, and silence lingered.


Aaaaaand, that's it. Tell me your thoughts in the comment section.

Again, thank you for your patience, waiting for this chapter to come out. I don't have much to say so I'll see you next time!

Yours truly,

(Alias StrlghtReadz)

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