Chapter 4

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I almost forgot I have to post today, forgive me TwT

Anyway, enjoy!


"So...we're really going on trial tomorrow?" Midoriya hummed.

"You have to," George sighed.

It has been 3 days since Class 1-A arrived, and they know that they only have 4 days left before disappearing into thin air, wondering how to explain once they did.

"Anyways. If the trial is successful, you'll be with me, Dream, Sapnap, and another friend who is currently being questioned and join the Survey Corps," George folded his arms as he leaned on the wall.

The class stayed silent, they know they don't have much time, yet they have no choice but to wait. George then explained that two days after their trial, they will be assigned along with the trio to guard a specific area if they got into the Survey Corps.

"And that's when I'll teleport you" Z appeared out of nowhere.

Everyone looked up to see the platinum-haired girl sitting mid-air with a playful smirk across her face.

Meanwhile, in the World of the Immortals...

"Mom! Dad! I'm back!" Wilbur called out once he reached his home.

"Will, sweetheart! Oh, I'm so glad you came to visit us" Wilbur's mother ran up to her son, hugging him.

Wilbur's father also greeted him with an extensive proud look on his face. After a bit of chatter, the family then went out to grab dinner, like they used to back then.

"So, how's [he] doing? Haven't heard of him ever since that smiley-mask guy...what's his name...ah, Dream took over," Wilbur's mom asks as they walked towards a restaurant.

"I don't know; he's been under the radar for a long time now," Wilbur answered, knowing exactly who his mother is indicating.

"So even you haven't seen him?" Wilbur's father asked in curiosity, "You used to be pretty close."

Wilbur did not answer. The family walked into a fancy restaurant, about to have family time. Wilbur's dad worked in the government as the head secretary, which earned him a lot, Wilbur on the other hand, he made a lot just by being one of the top players. Affording to eat in a fancy restaurant is nothing more than usual.

As they sat, Wilbur noticed someone familiar.

"Hey, isn't that Nikki?" Wilbur pointed to the ever-so-familiar girl.

"You know her?" Wilbur's father asked.

"I met her by the border today. She seems to be quite interested in a Player's life," Wilbur explains.

As the family had dinner, back in the Player's Zone...there seem to be some complications...

"That's enough Schlatt, you've done enough damage," Techno said in a menacing voice as he helps a sword on his right hand.

Schlatt simply laughs maniacally as he stood in the middle of the destroyed marketplace.

"You'd think I'll just sit there and do nothing while you people sat idly in your comfortable homes?" Schlatt laughs aloud, "I was waiting until Wilbur to visit his parents. After he turned his back on me and joined you morons, I can never forget the words he said to me."

Philza, who stood behind Technoblade, looked shocked.

"What did you do, Schlatt?" Philza asked, his eyes glitching red.

"Oh, nothing...just send a couple minions of mine to find him and to torture him and maybe his parents as well," Schlatt said with a proud smirk.

While they wait for their food to come, Wilbur noticed that Nikki and her family came to talk with his family, seeing that both Wilbur's and Nikki's father worked in the government.

"Never thought I'd see you again, Nikki," Wilbur greeted the girl.

"Yea, same here," Nikki replied with a polite smile.

"You know my daughter?" Nikki's father turned to him, looking interested.

"Yea, I met her earlier," Wilbur answered, purposely not mentioning the border.

"Where exactly?"

"The field where the border lies. I was just coming out of the border when--"

"You went to the border!?" Nikki's mother exclaimed, looking at her daughter.

"I- I just wanted to grab fresh air with Minx, mother. The air in the field has always been really nice, so I thought-"

All of a sudden, screams can be heard. Almost immediately, Wilbur reached out to his hologram, ready to wield his sword at any moment. Just then, the people outside restaurant can be seen running away from something, some of them dropping to the ground, glowing, disappearing. In that instant, everyone knew something is wrong.

Then, a gang of people in black broke the glass door of the restaurants, everyone froze.

"So, Wilbur, eh?" the guy at the front said, an iron sword at hand.

"What the fuck do you want? You're destroying an entire town!" Wilbur snapped.

"Oh, nothing...just that Mr.Jschlatt wants us to bring you back to the Player's Zone...said he'll pay us with a good cost," the guy sneered.

"J...schlatt...!? I thought he was gone!? Or retired at the very least!" Wilbur shouted, grabbing his sword out of his inventory.

"Put that sword back in you good-for-nothing Player! You caused all of this!!" Nikki's father shouted at Wilbur.

Wilbur took a deep breath and look at Nikki's father, his left eye red, and just like that, he was silenced. The gang of guys' eyes then turned red and attacked Wilbur. Wilbur, not wanting to hurt his family nor Nikki's family out of respect, stirred the fight outside.

"Your son...! Is an imbecile..! Putting all of us in danger like this!!" Nikki's father shouted at Wilbur's dad.

"If you were in his shoes, would you have taken the fight or cower?" Wilbur's father suddenly asks.

"Cower! I would have let someone take the fight! Why do I have to be the one that does the dirty job!?"

"My son is a brave man, and you are just a coward. He took the fight and cleverly stirred it outside, while you would have just cowered. My son took on four people while you would have just cowered. He knows his duties as a Player, you as part the government also must protect the citizen... who is the imbecile now?"


Believe it or not, this chapter is has exactly 1000 words, I didn't bother counting until Word told me :D

That aside, tell me what you think of this chapter, I am trying to balance it out between both worlds, but I believe the World of the Immortals deserves more screen time after not appearing at all after the DTeam got teleported to BNHA/MHA. Anyways, that's it! See y'alls next time!

Yours truly,
(Alias StrlghtReadz)

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