Chapter 14

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And guess which dumbass decided to forget and upload? Me. Sorry about that y'alls- I'll be sure to remember next time TwT

Anyway, enjoy!


"That's right..." Alviar thought to himself, "They stayed calm and collected..."

Even as bullets roared through the arena, the new players seemed to be staying calm as they dodged and deflect the bullets. And soon enough, they managed to slay their enemies.

"So that's exactly what I should do."

And with that, Alviar launched himself into the air and even grabbed Leikann. The two then reached the top of the walls, and Leikann questioned Alviar's actions.

"I am just doing what those three would. Stay calm, observe the situation..."

"...and make out a plan. Is that not what we always do?" George asked as the Dream Team trio stood amongst many people to take on a test.

It's only after they passed this 7 days test that they're allowed to full-on help the Demon Slayers, not that they're complaining though.

"Fair enough, Gogy. Let's do what we do best and not worry too much about it," Dream said, supposedly smiling.

George nodded as Sapnap gave a smile. Soon enough, the test commenced, and they were now in a forest full of demons. The trio, unlike everyone else, walked in the forest, observing their surroundings.

"So basically, no sleeping at night. And when we are planning to sleep, we might have to do so where the sunlight hits," Sapnap mentioned as the trio continued on walking.

Soon enough, they encountered their first demons. Quickly slaying them with their borrowed Nichirin Blades, they went continued on their journey. Knowing that their netherite swords are incapable of slaying demons, they were lent some unused Nichirin Blades. Even though it's much lighter than their usual standard, they make do of it.

"Not gonna lie, this is getting boring," George said out of nowhere as the trio slain their 7th demon.

"They say that it might be dangerous for us since we don't use "breathing techniques," but I guess they underestimated us," Dream sheathed his borrowed Nichirin Blade.

"Seems like it. Let's find an open area; dawn is approaching," Sapnap mentioned as the trio went on to find a place where they can peacefully rest.

The rest of the test was uneventful, other than when they had to save other examinees from they were clearly unable to fend for themselves. It didn't felt long until they finally reach the end of the test. They had a few scars here and there, but nothing serious.

"Welcome back!" Tanjiro welcomed the trio back.

"Thank you, Tanjiro," George nodded.

Just as the three were about to rest, a shift they were familiar with happened, and a loud thud was heard. Knowing what happened, the Dream Team dropped their bags and held onto the borrowed Nichirin Blade, and rushed outside; there, they saw a certain hybrid boy.

"Ow ow ow ow..." the boy whimpered.

Tanjiro was following close behind the trio, surprised as well. Not long after, some of the currently available hashiras appeared, surprised by the sound.

"Who are you? You don't seem to be human," Tengen said, looking at the boy.

The boy then looked up, and that's when everyone realizes he really is not human. Everyone in the area but the Dream Team trio is shaken; not wanting to cause any harm to the boy, Dream approached him.

"You good, Ranboo?" the masked teen said.

Ranboo then looked up, surprised to see Dream and the crowd. He immediately looks down, avoiding eye contact.

"Y- Yea, thanks..."

It took a while, but that's when Ranboo noticed something.

"Wait...Dream?" Ranboo questions, once again looking at the masked teen.

"Dream!" Ranboo exclaimed, moving backward. The hybrid didn't seem stable, he's shaking, and particles were emitting out of him; either it was out of fear or shock, it's unclear. Realizing this, Dream looked at George and Sapnap, who seemed to have understood what the masked teen is trying to say.

"Come on, Ranboo, let's get you somewhere less crowded," George said, pulling Ranboo up and getting him somewhere less crowded.

And so, there left Dream, Sapnap, Tanjiro, Tengen, Mitsuri, and Gyomei.

"Who was the boy?" Tengen asked.

"An acquaintance," Dream replied simply.

"Why was he like that? The poor boy," Gyomei spoke.

Sapnap and Dream stayed silent, unsure how to answer that. And so, Sapnap came up with a story.

"Poison. That's all I am going to say. You can say that a demon managed to bite Ranboo, tried to heal him, turned like that," Sapnap sighed.

"He's like Nezuko...right?" Tanjiro hesitantly asked

"You just heard him talk, and if he is hostile towards humans, Ranboo would have attacked us," Dream said, standing up, "Though, don't make eye contact with him."

Everyone else looks amongst themselves, trying to take the information in. After a bit of discussion, everyone agreed to let Ranboo stay as long as he did not cause a ruckus. And so, the day came to a close.


This is shorter than my usual chapters I know, but I really did not have the time to add more to it and well- writer's block.

As I don't have anything to say other than I am truly sorry about the late update, I'll see you on the next one!

Yours truly,


(Alias StrlghtReadz)

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