Chapter 3

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I'll just get straight to the story, see ya at the end!


"Oh, come on, Nikki, you know that your parents would never approve of this," Minx pleaded to her friend as they approach the field where the supposed barrier between the Normal Community and the Player Zone lays.

"I know they won't approve. But I have to at least try" Nikki stood her ground.

Nikki, or Nihachu, is a Normal; her parents have a high position in the government and are among the few people against Players. Minx is one of her few friends. Unlike Nikki, Minx is free to become whatever she wants; her parents are very much supportive of their daughter, allowing her to become whatever she wishes...other than a criminal.

"I- Okay, even if your parents agreed to this, the border is sealed Nikki, you can't visit it either way!" Minx pressed on.

"I know! I just want to go to the border because...what if someone actually comes out? Players also have a family here," Nikki sighed, hoping.

Knowing that trying to reason with her will do no good, so she stayed quiet. Once they reached the plains where the border is, nothing's's just an empty plains area.

"So, now what?" Minx asks.

"We wait," Nikki said, sitting down on the grass, staring into the plains.

In the Players Zone

"You really want to visit them after all this time?" Phil asks as Wilbur packs up some items.

"Techno approved. I only need 2 days Phil, what's the worst that could happen?" Wilbur said as he swung his guitar on his back.

"The world ending, or me dy-"

"Do not continue that sentence, Phil, now you're making me worried," Wilbur chuckled.

Phil simply chuckles and waved the brunette goodbye as he made his way to the border only Players can access.

"Will's left?" Tubbo asked.

"Yes, Tub, he's left already."

"Awww, I was hoping to say goodbye," Tubbo whined.

Philza simply smiled and looked out on the horizon. As Wilbur approached the border, he saw someone familiar to him.

"Sam! Ranboo! Hello!~" Wilbur waved in a friendly manner.

Sam is the border guard; his main job is to make sure those who go in and out have permission, except if it's a particular event. Ranboo, on the other hand, simply lives near the border as he doesn't enjoy being in the crowd. Sam and Raboo are top 7 and top 10 before moving up to the top 5 and top 7; with that said, they're both highly respected due to their abilities and connections.

Many expected Sam to be one of those Players with no rank as he is the border guard, and that used to be the case for the previous border guard while the tyrant was on top before Dream, and the current top Players took over.

"Wilbur! Where are you heading to?" Ranboo returned the wave while Sam simply looked at his way and smiled.

"Over to my parent's place. Even though I accidentally call Phil 'Dad' sometimes, I still miss my biological parents" Wilbur smiled.

"So you want to pass the border?" Sam asked.

One of the reasons why Sam is the border guard is due to his anonymous air, mainly due to his mask and his tone.

"Yeap!" Wilbur replied cheerfully.

"Safe trips Wilbur. Also, here, use this once you wish to return; and try not to let those two girls over there go through," Sam pointed to two girls, sitting on the edge of the plains talking to one another.

"Someone is going to come out, I know it" Nikki stood her ground after Minx tries to convince her a thousand times that nothing is going to happen.

"You've said that for the past 1 hour! Your parents might realize that you're missing, and I can get into trouble; let's go, Nikki, we can always return tomorrow" Minx stood up and starts to walk away.

Just then, something started swirling in the middle of the plains, and a second later, 2 guys, one with a scary-looking mask and a trident and the other with a much more friendly look. Nikki jumped in excitement as Minx looked at them in shock.

"Why are they giving us that expression...?" Wilbur dumbfoundedly asks.

"The border usually never opens unless it's New Years' or some other significant events, and if you do not notice, Players are lookup upon by quite a lot of people, though some simply hate us. Anyways, safe trip," Sam said, walking back through the border which closes behind him.

Wilbur shrugged it off, and without him noticing, one of the girls who have these blond bangs and black hair...had come up to him.

"Uh...can I help you?" Wilbur awkwardly asks.

Even as one of the top Players, Wilbur still finds it weird for someone to do something like this.

"What does it feel like, being a player?" the female asked as another approached them.

This one had brown hair and is slightly taller than the one with blond bangs, and disappointment can be seen on her face.

"Nikki, you can't just come up to a Player that just came out of the border with bags on his hand and possibly a guitar that. It's impolite," the other girl marched up.

"No, it's alright, really," Wilbur sweatdropped as he took a deep breath and answered the question;

"Being a player is somewhat a blessing, and the Player Zone is heaven on earth as long as the Top Player is not an asshole. It's- It's just a paradise really, there's nothing more to it," Wilbur explains.

"Nikki" looked at him in awe as the other stared in a mix of shock and disbelief, only for her to realize something.

"Oh, God! Nikki! We'll be late for dinner!! I do not want to face your parents today, and I do not wish my parents to scold me. Thank you for your time, Mr.Player, but we really have to go; let's go, Nikki," the brunette said as she grabbed Nikki.

Wilbur stood there, trying to process what just happened but decided to shrug it off and continue his journey to his parent's place; little did he know, just beyond the border, two people are laughing at what just unfold.

"Pffffft- Ahahaha, poor Wilbur, I would've panicked if I was in that situation," Ranboo wheezes.

"Your endermen side would've triggered and teleports you away," Sam chuckles.

The two joked about the situation for a bit until the sunsets. Ranboo waved goodbye as he teleported away, most likely to his base. Sam sat there, sighing after another dull day of work. He's glad that Ranboo would occasionally come over with a book and quill and play tic tac toe with him, or he would've died out of boredness.

Night soon came, and another Player came along, telling Sam that his guarding shift is over that it's his turn. Sam then stood up from his post and walked back to his base using the nether transport. Going through the portal, the portal guard saluted and gave him a friendly smile as he passes through.

Today has definitely been just another day.


Aight, that's it for this chapter! It's a different comparing to the ones before (Including TdoaC) so I hope y'alls don't mind ^^. Also, tell me what you think about it!

Anyways, I'll see y'alls next time!~

Yours truly,

(Alias StrlghtReadz)

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