Chapter 16

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Aight, the long awaited Chapter 16 is here. Sorry for the long wait, I had no motivation to write and was growing out of the fandom TT

After this chapter, I will post one last chapt I have actually written; Epilogue. I'm going on a long hiatus after so, I am about to graduate Junior High and move onto High School, other than that, I am currently writing a book that needs my full attention and another book for my my end project (School stuff).

I'll explain more after Epilogue - There won't be any end messages in this chapter. Enjoy!


"New mission...already?" George asks, "But we've just healed."

The trio and Ranboo gathered in a room to talk things out, only for Tanjiro to say they would be set on their first mission.

"There isn't a lot of demon slayers, which is why we need all those on deck," Tanjiro smiles apologetically.

"Let's go then. Are we going on the same or different mission?" Dream said, standing up, grabbing his blade.

"Each one of you has an individual mission, though it won't be far away from one another. As for Ranboo, you'll be going with George on this mission..."

After a brief explanation from Tanjiro, the trio and Ranboo set off on their mission, hoping to do a quick job out of it.

"Z, we need your help," a voice rang out behind the white-haired girl.

"What's up?" Z replied to the voice

"There's an imbalance between the borders. I believe you have to all back your Players and use that," the voice said.

Z closed her eyes and got into deep thinking before sighing and nods. They don't like to say it, but Z does feel as if the world border is about to collapse, which is why they wished to send one last group of Players on an adventure through worlds.

"Why are they so tricky..." George gritted through his teeth, holding his blade forward, trying to predict where the demon will appear next.

Ranboo stands behind him, doing his best to be as helpful as possible. Deep down, Ranboo knew he can never compare to George, the trump card of the top group, the famous savior of the Player Zone...but he's willing to try his best to assist him.

"I think the left, they went to the left," Ranboo exclaimed, spotting a shadow.

Not missing a beat, George jumped into action and slays the demon. Ranboo then teleports to George, trying to see if he's okay. Once confirming that neither of the two suffered any severe injury, both meet Dream and Sapnap at the designated place.

"You're early; Sapnap isn't here yet," Dream's voice rang out as George and Ranboo arrived.

"He isn't? That's odd..." George hums

"Maybe we should go check on him," Ranboo suggested.

"We should; I know where his mission is," Dream walked towards George and Ranboo.

Both Goerge and Ranoo nodded. As the three made their way, Sapnap seems to have been caught in a sticky situation.

"There's only supposed to be one of you!" Sapnap shouted, holding his blade in one hand while the other covers his wound.

The demons in question said nothing but laughed and once again used their blood demon art. Knowing that he can't take a second hit, Sapnap jumped up to a nearby tree, hoping to avoid the attack, but it was useless.

"You see now, there is no possible way you'll defeat me alone...your fellow Demon Corps has sent you on a suicide mission," the demon said as Sapnap fell onto the ground.

And that's when a slash of a sword can be heard as the demon's arm flung off.

"Or maybe they just want to see how well we cooperate," a voice Sapnap is familiar with rang out.

The sound of what seems to be teleportation can be slightly heard as a particular part endermen appeared next to Sapnap, and the next thing Sapnap knew, he was teleported next to George.

"Sorry, we're a bit late, Sapnap. We never thought you'll be in such a sticky situation," George said, his face plastered with an apologetic smile.

All Sapnap could do in this current condition is smile gratefully. After Z has told them that the substance would no longer work on them as they haven't reset, all they could do is try to survive. George then jumped into the battle with Dream. Soon enough, the fight was over, and the mission is cleared; Sapnap felt terrible as his friends had to step in to do his task, but he is grateful to have such amazing friends.

"Sorry, you had to come to my rescue. You too, Ranboo, sorry you had to see me in such a condition," Sapnap sighed as both George and Dream limped back to where he was.

"You were probably taken by surprised; any of us would have troubles," Dream sighed, sitting next to his friend.

George nodded as he sat down, tired. Unlike the trio, Ranboo was basically unscathed, seeing that he was told to guard Sapnap and not jump into the fight unless judged necessary. As the four were resting, suddenly, a blinding white light came into view and surrounded them.

"Sorry to interrupt you in the middle of your adventures, but it's time to go back," a familiar voice said.

"Z...?" Dream hesitantly said as he stands up.

"I'm sorry I couldn't show myself to you right now. When you wake up, it will feel like nothing more than a dream. As for Dream, two particular spirits want to talk to you," and with that, a snap of a finger can be heard, and Dream alone can see a black background engulfing him.

"Hey there, Dream," a voice Dream is familiar with rang out, "Been a while since we met in this condition."

"Night...?" Dream called out.

"He's not the only one here. Sheesh, don't tell me you forgot about me, that hurts, you know," another voice rang out.

"DreamXD? What do you both need from me?" Dream scowls a little.

"I told you he won't be happy about this," Nightmare appeared, sighing.

"Worth the try. I just want to say congrats on actually taking control. Both Night and I will be absent unless you call upon us, so don't be too warry when using your bloodlust. I hate seeing talent goes to waste," DreamXD can be heard sighing, not showing himself.

A conversation happened between the three, and soon, it ended, and Z's voice can once again be heard.

"I'll wake you up now, see you," with that, an hourglass can be seen turned upside down as the sand falls down. Slowly but surely, Dream fell asleep.


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