Chapter 9

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And I didn't manage to update it any earlier- Sorry y'alls, I got tangled up drawing Ranboo TwT.

But anyways, enjoy!


"You beat one of the 12 demon moons, and I'll beat you! If I do the calculations, I'll be the strongest one!!" Insokue shouted.

"Discipline yourself once more, fool," the guy said.

The trio watched the two talked, amused.

"George, does the demon has numbers written on their eye?" Dream asked his friend who is leaning on a tree.

"N-'s fast though," George said as he fixed his sitting position.

Before they knew it, Inosuke was tied up onto a tree branch; the guy then walked off. The trio then talked amongst themselves on what to do and agreed that Dream should go after Tanjiro, wherever he is. Taking a couple of the vials with him, Dream rushed towards the direction George pointed to, the same direction the guy was heading towards.

Activating his bloodlust, which was thankfully still intact, Dream rushed towards Tanjiro, and as he does that, he decides to call for a bit of help.

"Oi, Night. I need your help," Dream called out for another presence in himself.

"First time you called me since you defeated that goat-head. What do you need?" another voice answered.

"Lead me to the redhead guy, Tanjiro, if you still read my memories, and help me get the boy out of whatever sticky situation he's in...I have a bad feeling..." Dream answered.

Silence engulfed them for a moment as Dream continued to run in the same direction.

"Sure. I'll help out. Do you want me to use my own body, or do we combine like we used to? I am waiting for your command; neither of the choices is better than the other," the voice said.

"Use your own body, Nightmare, but if Dreamon is awake, you can combine yourself with've gotten way tamer than you were 2 years ago," Dream responded.

"Sure, sure. Just call me when you need me," and with that, Nightmare's presence within Dream disappears.

"So what of it!!" Dream heard Tanjiro screamed.

Hearing so, the masked teen quicken up his pace.

"...his sister became a demon...and yet they're together..." another male voice was heard.

"R- Rui..." a female voice said.

"The sister protected the brother...she offered her body...these genuine bonds!! I want them...!!" Rui shouted.

"Wait, please! I'm your big sister!! Don't abandon your big sister!!" the female voice shouted.

"Shut up! Be quiet!!" Rui snapped, cutting his sister's head and the trees behind her, "In the end, you guys couldn't even handle your own matter the occasion."

"W- Wait! I'm your real sister, right? Let me recover!" the female voice once again rang out.

"...Then go kill off the guys darting about the mountains right now. Then I'll forgive you for that incident a while ago," Rui said.

"I- I understand. I'll go kill them," the female voice said. With that, no more is heard.

Not too long after, Dream arrived at the scene, his posture calm as ever. It seemed a bit odd...Dream's physical body is there, but his presence is not.

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