Chapter 12

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My goodness, I nearly forgot to upload smh. But anyways, enjoy!


"So, are we really just going to follow them?" Sapnap asked, looking at both of his friends.

"What other choice do we have? We've literally trespassed on their mission and helped a member violated a rule. Even though we highly helped them on defeating Rui and that other guy, do you think they're just gonna let that slide?" George sighed.

The tiro then looked towards the girl who was chasing them, she has her sword sheathed, and after some sort of "telepathic communication," the girl signaled them to follow her.

After putting Nezuko into the wooden box and letting them tie up Tanjiro, the trio followed them with their hands tied on their back. Following a team called "Kakushi" and the other demon slayers, they were led to their headquarters. Just as they arrived, Sapnap collapsed out of fatigue, and the other two forcefully snapped out of their restraints to help their friend.

"Can you dismiss him, or does he also have to do whatever we are about to?" George asked as Dream got Sapnap on his back, not letting anyone else do the job.

"I don't think we're allowed to dismiss him," Shinobu said.

Sighing, George and Dream went on. Arriving at a particular area, Deram put Sapnap down under a tree shade to let him cool down.

"So now what?" Dream asked the Kakushi members.

"Wait here," the Kakushi answered as another member put Tanjiro down in front of a house.

With that, both Dream and George collapsed, tired, and out of energy. George leaned on the tree and fell asleep while Dream sat, awake, though tired.

"Yo, you sure you don't want me to help you?" Nightmare's presence was once again felt within Dream.

"You can fuse, I suppose...not that we're already fused," Dream replied.

A tint of red and green light then appeared out of nowhere, circled around Dream, then disappeared. This caught the attention of a couple people coming their way.

"Wow! What was that light show!?" a cheerful voice came out of nowhere.

Dream knew that someone had seen the simplified fusion. To be fair, it's illegal to fuse under the age of 18 due to safety protocols, and they're usually bright. On the other hand, Dream here is a special occasion, seeing that he was tricked into fusing souls with an essence, Nightmare. On top of that, he was once again tricked to do the same with a different creature.

"I don't think it was a light show, but it was definitely flamboyant," said another voice.

"The pillars have arrived!!" another voice shouted.

The masked teen sighed at this, knowing that he is currently facing people that can kill him if they wished...not that it bothered him that much. Standing up, Dream then stood in front of them.

"Hello," Dream said ever so casually.

"May I ask who you are? And why did you help us?" one asked.

"I have my reasons, but mainly because of instinct," Dream shrugged.

"We can leave him for the moment; I heard that he and his friends are cooperative at the end," Shinobu said.

The masked teen said nothing, and as the pillars turned their focus on Tanjiro, Dream sat down and sighed.

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