Chapter 5

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It's a bit short, forgive me-- But anyways, enjoy.


"It's today in the afternoon, huh?" Kaminari sighed, waiting for the trial to commence.

Class 1-A was dreading the trial. They never thought they'd get into trouble with the government, but here they are, awaiting their fate.

"Maybe this won't be so bad. I mean, Dream, George, and Spanap might have the people's trust, and if they take our side, it might not be so bad," Midoriya tries to lighten the mood.

Didn't work. Most of Class 1-A are just sitting in their cells, not making a noise. Everything was silent until the door opened.

"Woaaaaa, so these are the students that the trio told us about! You all look so...odd! I want to experiment--"

"You won't be conducting any experiments on them, Hange. They've been through enough," Dream appeared by the door, his arms crossed.

The class simply smiled at this. The other day, George had told them about the made-up story the trio had made to hide their actual identity, and they are more than grateful.

"Anyways, all 20 of you are coming with me--"

"Iida and Midoriya are coming with us, Hange. Only 18 are coming with you," George appeared out of nowhere.


With that, the class was then escorted to the trial room, hands cuffed to their backs. Most of them simply look at the floor as Hange excitedly looks at Hagakure - who decided to keep her quirk on this entire time - from all angles, trying to figure out what she is.

Soon, they reached the room. While Iida and Midoriya followed Dream and George through the main entrance, the rest were brought in through a different one. Saying that the room was packed with people is an understatement, seeing barely any gaps are between the people there.


"Phil! Where are you going!?" Techno called out as Philza took off to the sky.

"To find Wilbur, he might be in big trouble!!" Philza said, zooming off through the sky. As he flew towards the border, he spotted Sam running towards it as well.

"Sam! Need a lift?" Philza approached the male.

Sam said nothing, but he nodded. And with that, Philza picked Sam up into the sky, and they both flew towards the border. There, they saw the guy who was supposed to guard it, gone, only for someone to approach them, out of breath.

"I'm sorry I couldn't stop them- They were too power- ful" the guy pants.

"You tried your best mate, it's alright. For now, stay here. I'm going to find a member of my second family," Philza said as he readies his wings.

"Wait! Take me with you, Phil; we don't know how powerful these people really are!" Sam called out.

Back in the trial room...

"So...these are the people in question...?" The judge said as an MP finished tying Iida to the steel pole while Midoriya stood beside George.

"Indeed, sir. The people on the balcony are also acquainted with these two," Dream pointed to the other Class 1-A students.

The judge nodded, and the trial commenced. It started out from how they ended up here, and just like the trio, they have no idea, only that's also a complete lie. Their made-up backgrounds also came up, and soon enough, it came to the point where the class should be put.

"I suggest the Survey Corps. That way, George, Sapnap, and I can look out for them, and the abilities they got from the experiments can also be put to use," Dream spoke.

The judge looked at him, silent; he then looks at the Survey Corps and speaks.

"What do you say, Commander Erwin?"

"If Dream says so, then we will happily accept them as members. Even so, they won't be much of an asset as they will disappear at the end of the week, just as Dream informed," Commander Erwin spoke.

The judge nodded and looked at the Garrisons, then the Military Police Brigade.

"Any thoughts?" the judge spoke.

With that, Chief Nile then steps forward to give his opinions.

"I believe we have to know how they end up getting experimented in the first place and what abilities were given to them. All we know, they might be titan shifters just like that Eren guy," Chief Nile mentions.

The judge nodded and looked at Dream once more.

"Then, may we know what are these abilities and their weaknesses of each person?"

"Of course. But I'll leave it to each individual to explain, as I do not know each detail," Dream nods.

After a lengthy explanation and a small showcase of each ability, and another dull discussion, it's finally decided that they will be put in the Survey Corps while staying here. With that, everyone in Class 1-A sighed in relief.

"Aaaah~ Thank God we're not going to be handed off anywhere else~" Mina sighed in relief as they rode a carriage down to where the castle where the Levi Squad is currently staying.

"Just a note, being in the Survey Corps isn't all fun; it's heavy-duty. Thousands, maybe millions of people died in this group...and you'll be under the care of the most powerful member, so uh...don't expect this to be any lighter than normal classes, cause it's way heavier," Sapnap whispered to the class.

With that said, the rest of the ride to the castle is dead silent.


Das it for today, anyways, tell me your thoughts! That aside, see ya in 2 days!

Yours truly,


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