Chapter 2

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Before reading this part, please re-read Chapter 50 of TdoaC. There is a bit of a change due to location problems. I was careless and did not notice the problem earlier, so uh...please re-read the chapter if you wish to understand what's going on this one. There is a slight change on Chapter 1 as well. But anyways, once you do, go on and read this one!


"Dream...?" Sapnap said hesitantly.

"You guys really think I would die that easily?" the figure said.

As the smoke from the debris cleared off a little, they soon noticed it's the same masked man they thought got squashed under the rubble.

"W- Wha- How...?" George instinctively said.

"And I thought you were the smart one, George..." Dream said, conjuring an enderpearl.

"So you enderpearled?" George confirmed

Dream nodded. After letting the enderpearl disappeared, Dream then jumped down and calmed down the panicking little girl he earlier saved. Dream told George to bring the girl back to the evacuees while he and Sapnap will try to slow down the female titan, who is currently in the middle of a fist-to-fist battle with the attack titan. Nodding hesitantly, George grabbed the girl's hand and ran. Sapnap pulled out their sword while Dream grabbed his from the ground. After so, the two went to the battlefield.

Just when the female titan was about to hit the attack titan to knock them out, Dream and Sapnap jumped in and successfully cut the female titan's shoulder, stopping the hit.

The members of the survey corps seem relieved as Dream and Sapnap got out of the way.

"There you are! Where were you?" a survey corp member asked.

"Evacuating citizens," Dream said simply, "We saved as many people as we can, but casualties are not avoidable."

After a couple more hits, the attack titan finally got the upper hand and caused the female titan to run away. They were heading straight for the wall, not too far from the evacuees. The attack titan then launched at the female titan, who then slides through tents. The female titan then freed herself out of the attack titan's grip and climbed up the 50 meters wall using her "crystalized" fingers.

"Are we going to do anything about it?" Sapnap whispered to Dream.

Dream simply points at Mikasa, who just successfully cut off the female titan's fingers, preventing her from escaping. To both Dream and Sapnap, everything else was a blur.

While that goes on, deep inside the dungeon inside of Trost, the students of class 1-A started to gain consciousness. Most of them began to panic due to them being in a foreign area, but some were able to calm down and tried to calm the others down.

"So, does any of you know where we are?" Kaminari asks.

"Tch, what do you think, sparky?" Bakugou snapped.

"Bakugou, please be respectful! None of us knows where we are," Iida scolded the blond-ash male.

"I believe we are in a dungeon," Yaoyorozu spoke up.

The class stood in silence, trying to process what the raven-haired male just said.


"I thought they were banned!"

"How did we end up here?!"

"Everyone! Please calm down! We'll figure out the situation!" Iida called out.

Calming down, everyone looked at another through the dungeon bars and waited for someone to speak.

"I believe we are back at year 850...just like Z said," Midoriya mumbles.

"Well, yes, but please don't say my name aloud," a familiar voice said out of nowhere.


"Didn't I just told you to not call my name?" Z appeared from thin air.


Aaaand that's it. Sorry it's a bit short, time was running out. Tell me your thoughts in the comments!

Note: I won't make the Dream Team spend too much time in AOT due to my motiavation wearing out. CP might have less chapters than TdoaC, but I'm not sure yet. I hope it's alright with y'alls!

That's it from me, have a nice day/night!

Yours truly,
(Alias StrlghtReadz)

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