Announcement - Might be taking a couple days off

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Okay so uh...

I was supposed to post yesterday but I felt sick

Then of course, I am supposed to post today but I then have a massive headache and 3¾ assignments to do, one of them due in 2 days the others on 7th of May.

I am not sure whether I am going to continue to feel like this for the next couple days or not, but even so, I will be taking a couple days break...just until 7th of May, I can start again at 8th, seeing it's Saturday and all.

I am truly sorry about this y'alls, but I can't make good chapters for ya if I feel sick or whatnot. Chapter 12 is already being written, just that I can't complete it right now.

As of writing this, my headache is just getting worse-

But anyways, I'll see you all then! Again, sorry about this and I'll make sure Chapter 12 is up the moment it's finished.

Stay safe!

Yours truly,
(Alias StrlghtReadz)

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