Chapter 7

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Nearly forgot I have to upload today. Anyways, enjoy!


"These things are harder to handle than I- WHOA!!" Sero said as he dodged a titan.

"Focus!" Iida shouted as he knocked down a titan, followed by Sapnap, who cuts off their nape.

The group isn't having trouble taking care of the titans, especially with Mike in their arsenal. Even so, Class 1-A isn't having an easy time either. Having a 4-meter tall being chasing after you, trying to eat you, isn't exactly your ideal training.

"G- Guys...what is that?" Hagakure pointed to a colossal titan that oddly looks like a monkey.

"An abnormal probably," Mike answered.

"It's huuuuge," Kaminari said in awe.

"It is indeed," Tokoyami nodded.

As the class looked at the titan, scared and in awe, Mike called for the horses. Just as they passed the monkey-like titan, the titan grabbed the horses and flung them off.

"The fuck..." Dream cussed, startled.

"It's not aiming for us...but for the horses..." Mike said in fear.

Before anything else, a vast amount of titans appeared out of nowhere, attacking the large group.

"Where the fuck did these naked bastards came from!?" Bakugou flung himself up into the air while his classmates dodged.

Trying to rid of the titans, more and more of them just keep coming. This definitely is not good...As they try to fend them off, Midoriya noticed someone floating mid-air, watching them.

"Z!" he shouted.

The group looked up at the smiling Z.

"Your time is up. See you back in your universe. As for you, Dream Team, I'll see you in your next location in a while," Z said, confusing the poor Mike as she clapped her hand twice.

Class 1-A and the trio disappeared, leaving Mike to the titans.

"Wait! No!" Mike said in a panic, but it's too late.

Mike was left alone, and as he screamed in vain, the titans devoured him. And with that, the chapter on the world of Titans concluded as a different one opens. Arriving in a bright and empty room, the trio sheathed their swords, awaiting for the unnatural to happen.

"Well, that was certainly one way to exit the battlefield," George sighed.

"It's the second time we disappeared from the battlefield without a trace; it's getting kind of old school," Sapnap agreed.

On the other hand, Dream stayed silent, possibly trying to process everything that happened in the past 5 minutes. Any normal human being would've gone mad if they had to go through what they just did; then again, they're no average human beings.

"So now we wait for something to happen... Z never ceases to amaze me," Dream said with an amused tone.

The other two simply nodded, still tired from what they had just gone through, but only when things seemed to have settled down would they only get even wild. The room started to dissolve as dark scenery came in view. Looking around, they immediately noticed the very person they were awaiting.

"So, Z, what's the deal this time?" Dream asks with no hesitation.

"Currently, we're all hidden; no one can see us, hear us, nor touch us...and for a good reason as well. This world isn't like the ones you have just gone could be worse or better; it's according to who you are. This world is filled with man-eating demons, some holding what you call "blood demon art.""

As Z explained about the new environment they had stepped their foot in, a battle goes on not too far away.

"Strings! They're being controlled by strings!!" a particular redhead screams aloud to his fellow demon slayers, "Cut them off!"

"I've already figured that out," a boar head jumped in, slicing the strings off their fellow slayers.

They seem to be in a state where they are no longer conscious, but something feels off.

"So that's it, huh...demons with special abilities roam this place. The only way to kill them is by using a special sword, and the only way to acquire it is by going through this final selection thing and join the Demon Slayer Corps. So how are we suppose to survive till then?" George recites everything Z had just mentioned.

"You don't have to worry about that. I transported you where a mission is currently undertaking; stick with those fighting, and you should be fine. Your netherite swords are way sturdier than theirs. Assist them, and you should be fine, anyway; best of luck!" with that, Z once again disappeared into thin air.

The Dream Team sighed, tired. They've just got out of an intense battle, and now, they have to go through this...they're never getting a break, are they?

"Well, let's get this shit over with--"

"...hurry up and get a higher ranking person to come here!! If you don't, I'm going to end up killing everybody!! Please...I beg you!!" a female voice wailed in fear and worry...and mainly, a call for help.

The trio knows any call for help that sounds as such is never a good thing. Without a second thought, the Dream Team immediately searches for the source. Following the lead of their hearing capabilities, they hope to find the root as soon as possible.

"Run!!" the same voice wailed.

"There!" Sapnap pointed to the left.

"I'm being controlled, so my movements are entirely different!! I am not that strong!" the voice once again wailed, but this time, it's louder.

Seeing where it's coming from, George picked up the pace, and with one look, he knew something isn't right. Outrunning the other two, he jumped into the scene and cuts off the very strings controlling the girl as she was just about to seemingly cut another teenage boy's head in half. Sapnap followed close behind, stopping the blade.

"You both are going to defeat me one day...holy," Dream pants as he reached the scene.

"You're injured, Dream, don't strain yourself too much," Sapnap said as he pushed the girl off.

"Sapnap's right. How long have you been hiding the fact that you're injured and not healing?" George looked at his friend once he helped the bewildered girl up.

"That's not what we should worry about now, look there," Dream said, gripping his sword and pointing to two other people being held up by strings, clearly injured.

Just when they thought it was over, the girl from before screeched. She was trying to help her teammates but ends up getting controlled.

"Hey! You three! Who are you!?" a guy with a boar head pointed at them.

"Not something you should worry about right now, just please trust us until we get out of here!" George answered, gripping his sword.

"Be careful! Some spiders will attach the strings to you! You should look out for them," the redhead informed.

None of the Dream Team members answered, but the redhead seems to know that they value the information he just gave them. Somehow, new hope found its way into the redhead's a story ends, a different one will start. 


Aaaand, that's it.

Quick question, do y'alls prefer the chapters published around this time or earlier? Please let me know so I can adjust my schedule, I don't want to end up completely forgetting to post smh T-T

But that aside, that will be all for this chapter, I'll see you all next time!

Yours truly,

(Alias StrlghtReadz)

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