Chapter 10

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Hello hello, here is Chapter 10, I hope you enjoy ^^


"It has been fun training with you, Alviar," Leikann said one evening after a training session with Alviar.

"Glad you're having fun. Training can be a tad boring, but when you have fun, time flies," Alviar replied.

"I agree with you. It's been a while since I had fun...with everything that's going on, at least. The trio missing, nowhere to be found, and the loss of Chief's hard for anyone to relax at this point. I can at least breathe, thanks to you," Leikann said, still watching the sunset that both are watching from atop the walls.

Alviar stood silent at this, looking towards the comrade he's been spending hours to no end, training. Since the Player felt the way he does now, it has been a while, seeing that he's constantly busy with banner weaving for a living in the Player Zone. No one would really care how one makes a living, seeing that those under the rank of 15 do not earn enough just by being a player.

"Thank you," Alviar said out of the blue.

"Huh?" Leikann said, puzzled.

"It has been a while since I can have this much fun with someone else. Unlike most of those who I know, I am quite the lone wolf," Alviar said, sighing.


"Means you're someone who stays away from the group."


Meanwhile, in the World of the Immortals...

"How long has it been...since the attack?" Wilbur asks, looking over the currently destroyed Player Zone.

"1 week," Philza sighed.

"There are people that probably wanted more action out of it, you know, more in-depth detail on what happened during that day; I believe that people like it when we appear on the chapter," Technoblade jumped into the conversation.

"You mean the reporters?" Wilbur asks questioningly.

Techno simply shrugged, unsure of what he just meant. It has been a week since the day Jschlatt suddenly returned. The attack lasted all Night until he and his mercenaries were all taken care of. The next day, they were put in prison, specially made for players like them, Sam's Warden. With that said, they have a new border guard.

"Wanna go visit the border? It's been a while since Techno went there," Wilbur suddenly suggested.


All three, Wilbur, Philza, and Techno, then went towards the path...which is renamed to "Prime path" by a particular child for some reasons. Once they reach the border, they called out to the border guard.

"Purpled! How is it? Being the guard?" Wilbur called out.

Purpled, who is still very young comparing to most players, look towards the three incoming adults.

"It's been boring. If Ranboo did not come earlier, I would probably have died out of boredom or ditched work to practice combat," Purpled said jokingly.

"Oh right. The tournaments are approaching... I wonder what a tournament without the Dream Team will be like," Philza said, taking a seat across Purpled, who's sitting on the ground.

The other stayed silent, suddenly realizing that the trio has yet returned. It's been quite some time since the trio's disappearance, yet the Dream Team still nowhere to be seen; some just believed they decided to retire completely and took on different names, while some others had hope.

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