Chapter 15

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Yes, I can finally post again, and with my one month break, I can post more than just 3 chapters...I hope. I swear I have a good reason, I'll talk about it at the end of the chapt, for now enjoy!


"Let me at that demon!" Inosuke shouted, pointing his blade towards Ranboo while being held back by Tanjiro and Zenitsu.

"W- Why is he pointing his sword at me?" Ranboo asks, backing away even more.

"A- Ah see, Inosuke here- Whoa! Inosuke!!" Tanjiro shouted as he and Zenitsu lost hold of Inosuke, and he charged towards Ranboo.

Out of instinct, Ranboo teleported behind Tanjiro, scared for his life. Even though the endermen knew that he is more than capable of handling himself, Ranboo didn't want to hurt anyone, especially when his innocence lays on whether he hurts anyone or not. The chase continued; Insouke did not give up on trying to slain Ranboo while Ranboo continues to teleport away, rendering both Tanjiro and Zenitsu chasing them both all day.

"We're ba-"

The trio was left with no words; if there is one word to describe the Butterfly Mansion right now, it would be "chaotic." Aoi has decided to join in the chase for Inosuke, who has yet to be caught while Ranboo continues to teleport from one place to another, creating havoc.

"Uh..." George took a step back from all the chaos.

"Should something about this?" Sapnap hesitantly pointed at what's going on.

Dream simply laughed and shook his head.

"Let them be; good days don't last forever."

So, the trio stood there by the doorway, watching as chaos continues to envelop the mansion until Ranboo notices them and teleports behind them.

"Come here, you demon!"

George simply took a step to his right to further cover Ranboo while causing Inosuke to completely stop.

"Oh, you three are back. Thank goodness. Keep your friend away from Inosoke; he causes too many problems," Aoi huffed, tired from all the chasing.

"Ah! You three are back! Thank God..." Tanjiro sighs in relief.

"Alright, someone tell us what happened," George sighs.

Once Aoi finished preparing dinner, everyone took a seat and ate while Tanjiro explained what happened throughout the day.

While the trio and Ranboo had a "relaxing" dinner, the World of Immortals doesn't seem to be having an easy time.

"Ranboo has been gone since yesterday! What makes you think we won't suspect you!?" Wilbur shouted through the bars of Jchlatt's prison.

Jschlatt simply smiled; "You'd think I'll go that low and capture a hybrid after being locked in here?"


"Well, you'll be mistaken. I have no means of contacting anyone, and you're the only one that has visited me."

Going out of Pandora's Box, Wilbur threw a rock in anger. First the trio and now Ranboo. The half-endermen isn't exactly close to anyone, but even so, everyone can't help but worry about him. A total of 5 players has gone missing...Dream, George, Sapnap, Ranboo...and the other guy, Alviar, was it?

"Fifth case, huh..." Wilbur said, pulling up his hologram.


Listen, I know it's short, but I am considering to completely re-edit the series, including TdoaC. My writing style has changed from when I first written this series and I have gotten better at conveying what I need to convey through writing, so this book might undergo a huge edit along with TdoaC.

Other than that, I have not really told anyone, but I am currently writing a novella for my writing course and I really do need to focus on writing that.

One last thing; I started playing Genshin Impact (No, I am not a whale) about a month back, so for whoever plays it, DM me, Imma send you my UID so we can maybe co-op :D (I am at AR38 so yes, I can co-op)

That's it really, thanks for whoever still reads A/Ns, I'll see ya next time!

Yours truly,
(Aka StrlghtReadz)

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