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"Dream....wake up, for goodness sake," Sapnap said in an impatient tone.

"Chill out Sapnap, he might have not gotten much sleep last night because of Night and that XD guy," George scolded Sapnap.

Dream slowly opened his eyes only to close them back due to the blinding sunlight. Slowly, he sat back up.

"You're awake, finally! You said you wanted to spar but fell asleep instead," Sapnap huffed.

"We all fell asleep, Sapnap," George sighed.

Dream, however, stayed quiet, trying to remember the dream he just had.

"Something wrong? Look, if you don't want to spar anymore, I'm cool, mate," Sapnap looked at Dream, worried.

"No, no, it's just that I had this dream where we three went into other universes and such... the weird thing is, I can't remember much," Dream sighs.

"Really?? That's....really weird. Traveling to other universes? Oh, come on, can't you come up with another reason to have spaced out? Maybe you have someone in your mind," Sapnap smirked.

Even though Dream had his mask on, Sapnap is sure the boy gives him the glare and raises his hand in friendly surrender. As the three joked around, a certain male passed by.

"What's up, Alv? You've seemed off ever since you woke up from that nap," Yae tilted his head slightly.

"Nothing, just had a weird dream, that's all," Alviar smiles.

With that, the two males walked down the path as the sky turns orange.

"I guess that takes care of that," Z huffs as she fights off creatures from in between universes.

"The border is fixed; let's go," a friend of Z called out.

Hearing so, Z immediately teleports back in, the wall that separates the World of the Immortals with space in between then closes.

"I'm going to go submit a new rule for us Creators," Z sighs.

The person from before tilted their head slightly as Z smiles tiredly.

"No more universal traveling, too much work."


And that's the end of Creator's Play, and the last you'll see of The World of the Immortals.

Like I said in the beginning of Chapter 16, I will be going on another hiatus. This is because 1. I'm going to High School soon and 2. I am working on a book - Both personal reasons and for my grade's end project.

Though, I will post once I can. Unlike this one, I will finish the story before posting it since I don't want to rush too much, and I will make sure it has a plot, since this one is just me improvising. My writing has definitely gotten better, especially throughout these past months since I attend a course to help me structure my writing better. Definitely helped.

I apologize if this ending is not to your liking, but I am not about to put a "Discontinued" sign on a series I've been working on for months, but I hope this satisfies you for the time being. A bit of info on what I might post next:

Definitely Genshin related. I said I will make a Genshin x Honkai, but I have no idea when that's coming since I just got into Honkai and is trying to learn the story, I'm pretty much blind on that topic. As of now though, I am writing an Idol AU that might or might not make it to Wattpad and a book while planning another one. I know, I have quite the stockpile.

For those who has been following this story since The doing of a Creator has less than 100 views, thank you for being patient with me and staying loyal to the story, I hope I have done justice to what you expected. For those who came later, don't worry, I know you're there, thank you for reading!

Yours truly,

(Alias StrlghtReadz)

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